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About Viking2121

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  1. Viking2121

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    The game is unoptimized. No if and or buts, its why we are here correct? If the game ran great, I would not be here. I pay all this money on a decent rig and to find the more AI or players, the lower the CPU and GPU usage? Should be the other way around. Why would I spend $300 on a GPU to find out a $100 GPU can run it just as well on the same settings? Its un optimized thats for sure, maybe its because BIS don't want to make a new engine? I mean it is from 2001 and shows its age, been showing its age where even a dual core could out pace a $1000 quad. Thats my version of unoptimized. I tested 6 different GPU's and they all showed a sort of weakness in this game which is AI or more players, AMD mostly. Leads me to thing that my 8320 at 4.8ghz is a bottleneck in this game. But even a 3770k with a powerful GPU is having issues at the same or better overclock. The 3770k should out pace my CPU in this game but fails to beat some i3's. I find this game does run better then arma 2 or dayz, but its still not at an acceptable level. For example I ran a 64 AI mission, after so long where the AI was close to my area the game would start to dip in FPS on single player, not to bad, but the moment when you add say 30 players online, the game tanks like if there were over 100 AI in a singleplayer mission and the CPU goes from 50% down to 20% and the GPU goes from 60 - 70% to 15% with less then 20FPS. Im no programmer, I repair PC's for a living, I know enough that low resource usage with low FPS means its not optimized worth a damn. Game can't be fixed, its just the engine. Just hope its fixed later or in Arma 4.
  2. Viking2121

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    As far as I know, Nvidia rocks the socks off in this game, even when paired with an AMD CPU. I wish I had a chance to test different CPU's like Intel and AMD side by side. I do know a friend with 2x 6990's cant AVG even 40FPS in SP, but 2 cards AVG 60 in SP so Crossfire is a bit wonky still even with the 14.4 drivers. I also wish I had other cards to try like the R9's, at that time the HD7950 drivers were just getting good, I think I was running 13.xx at that time and it had known bugs with some parts of Arma 3. But my old 5970 still sucks in Arma 3 considering it can play BF4 on high at 1080p just fine with over 60FPS. This is interesting, I will have to go give it a shot and see what my FPS is on this 760. To bad it can't really do anything about MP though.
  3. Viking2121

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hello, I read pretty much every post in this thread and still this game confuses me, and I thought this should belong here, I'll post my current specs below later. I use to run this game with a Phenom II x6 1100T 4.4ghz (3000mhz CPU-NB) with a HD5970 and the performance was ok at times, mostly in SP was fine with avg of 50fps and drops in the airfield. What gets me the game is not in alpha anymore and the performance didn't change with that 5970. Only issue with that card its 1GB x2 so the card lacks in vram for maxed out settings. Now with a GTX460 768mb I was able to pull 70fps avg in the same area. That card is less then half the performance of the 5970. I popped in my GTX295 and the performance was still higher then that of the 5970. I disabled crossfire on the 5970 and the FPS was still the same. So I upgraded my mobo and CPU to the FX8320 and OC it to 4.8ghz, And still the 5970 is still bad in Arma 3. also it uses the card at around 20% on both GPU's, and the CPU is at around 30% with peaks into the 60s. But FPS is still right around 50fps avg according to fraps. So I bought a GTX760 SC ACX and my avg FPS is 80 with 70% load in the same spot with who knows how many AI that was in that Armory I downloaded. (note all my tests were based standing in the same spot and looking in the same spot. and other tests flying on the same road in both directions.) Now King of the hill my 5970 wouldn't even pull 15fps in town on low, but the GTX295, GTX460 and the GTX760 all demolished the 5970 with an avg of 30FPS with the GTX760 and the GTX295 being at 28avg on high! I also had a HD7950 3GB (same performance give or take with the GTX760) the GTX760 walks all over it in Arma 3 on my system. I do not have the proof as I didn't really think I needed it at that time. I work on PC's quite a lot and test hardware for a living, every now and again I can bring the cards home and do my own tests, which this case I wanted to see what would play Arma better, I currently run the GTX760. OS: Windows 7 & Windows 8 x64 CPU: AMD FX8320 4.8ghz RAM: DDR3 1866mhz OC Corsair Vengeance MOBO: ASRock 990FX Fatality Pro GPU: EVGA GTX760 SC ACX 1350/1830 HDD: 1TB Caviar Black (Win 7) HDD: 1TB Caviar Blue (Win 8) PSU: Thermeltake Smart 850watt All the Nvidia cards seem to beat the AMD cards, well the 1s I tested at least. I also tested the GTX690 4Gb and it was the same story at the GTX760 as SLI isn't used much or at all, and the GTX295 and the 7950 seemed to be vary close in this game which makes no sense at all.