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Posts posted by TCBRUNCH

  1. Hello to all, My name is TCBRUNCH, I am currently working on an HH-60G for arma 2, this was given to me by ExA, i am modifying it for CSAR operations, it has 2 stretchers and 2 m134's with new mounts for them, so what have i done so far, put 2 stretchers in the helicopter and added mini guns with optics... not much right? wrong... (Arnold Schwarzenegger reference) im working on a new skin and getting it closer to the real thing, but , my limited skills with 3d modeling and skinning can only go so far, so what do i need from the community, HELP :( with the configs...

    Whats done so far:

    -m134's with Holo sights.

    -2 streachers.

    -New Skin (needs a little more work).

    Whats needs to be done:

    -Adding tubes to the m134's for the cartridges to fall out of.

    -Adding a way to scroll wheel select to sit in litter 1 or 2.

    -Adding a way to scroll wheel select to sit in medical officer position.

    -Fixing a graphical glitching where the skins go purple and red for some reason.

    -Adding thermal Hot white and hot black to the FLIR camera.

    -Fast roping.

    Seems like allot? it is, but it will be worth it. it can pave the way to making it in arma 3.

    Here are some screenshots:





    I hope you guy like it so far, all credit will go to every one who has and will work on it :) .

    Credit so far goes to:

    Stiltman and ExplosiveAids for the Original HH-60G

    PM me if you want to help with anything.

    Update 1# (4-7-2014)

    So what have we been up to, well since Deltagamer has been such a good sport, and generally helpfull, i am going to make this a joint release.

    So whats new?

    -Flir camera has been fixed.

    -You can ride in the helicopter now in both stretcher positions.

    -You can ride in a medical officer position.

    -Graphical glitches have been fixed.

    With the good comes the bad, new errors and glitches:

    -You can see the positions you can get in to from all the positions of the aircraft (when inside of the aircraft all ready)

    -When loading in a soldier it does not load in to the stretcher (We are working on that part, when we fix it the mod will got to beta)

    What is left to be done?

    -The miniguns need work, adding tubing, brass falling out etc...

    -Adding M3 50.'s to the helicopter.

    -Multiple skins which will be classified by mustache.

    The aircraft will be released when it goes in to beta but for now a sneak peak screen shot of what it looks like so far:


  2. Hello to all, I am currently working on an E-3 Sentry and i have a few questions, 1 what is the refuel memory point called for the the boom of the kc135, and what should i call the probe for the E-3, 2 if you want i can give you permissions to use the E-3 in your US air force pack wants im done with it. 3 im not a grate at modeling or scripting, all im good at is skinning, if you guys want i can make a US air force livery for the aircraft. 4. I really like the KC135 and you guys have done a grate job all around, and btw im making a MC-130J Commando 2. again if you guys want i can give it to you :)

  3. Hey guys, my name is TCBRUNCH, i am making an aircraft for arma 3 that has a refuel probe, i was wondering if it would be at all possible to know what to call the refuel memory point? and also the boom point (if there is one for the KC135), planning on making a tanker aircraft as well. Just to add i love the KC135 and if you want to find out what im making PM me, if you like it and you want to help me, or if you guys want to make it together i will be happy to do so, im not the best 3d molder but i can hold my own, im more of a skinner and btw its a 707 of some sort :D
