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Everything posted by bolbies

  1. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    Alright so I went in the editor, made an addaction to blow away my cursortarget and it works perfectly. Then I went back to the mission I'm trying to implement this in and it doesn't work. I made the game hint _objectMass, _shockX_F, and _objectVel and all of them are fine, yet I'm still getting told "Error Type Not a Number, expected Number." Any ideas?
  2. bolbies

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    How about an explosion physics addon? So getting hit by an artillery shell or something will send units flying, cars could turn over, etc?
  3. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    Sorry to bring this back up but I'm still trying to get this script working. Apparently my issue was fixed in 1.40 with the vehicles vanishing but now the RPT is giving me this: Error position: <setVelocity [_shockX_F,_shockY_F,_shockZ> Error Type Not a Number, expected Number
  4. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    Nope, I set the force to 0 and it still does it.
  5. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    This is what I mean Here are two more similar ones Oh and in the RPT it gives an error saying "Matrix is not valid as physx transform!"
  6. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    Thanks for the help F2k! I no longer have the zero divisor error but for some reason all vehicles within the given zone just vanishes completely as if they're deleted. Any ideas? Why are nuke scripts so annoyingly difficult?
  7. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    It says it occurs at _shockX_F because I guess _objectMass isn't getting any mass saved into it. getmass literally is not working for me.
  8. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    I keep getting a zero divisor error. I think the getmass command is broken or something because I tried making it hint the mass of my cursor target and nothing happens.
  9. bolbies

    Explosion Physics Help

    Yeah that's perfect! Do you mind sharing or at least telling me what may be wrong with mine?
  10. I've been trying out different nuke scripts but the ones I can find are really only eye candy. They just destroy everything but there's no cool shockwave that throws helicopters out of the sky, pushes back APC's, and sends on-foot units flying. Is there a way to do this or is there a script I missed?
  11. bolbies

    Push Units Back?

    After further testing, I've figured out that everything works correctly up until I get to this script. The place where it just stops is marked with a block of slashes. There are no errors in the RPT telling me what's wrong. Can anyone help me?
  12. bolbies

    Push Units Back?

    Ok so I fiddled around with a few things but nothing seems to be working. I used this script and mostly everything except for the shockwave works. The explosion is awesome, it kills everything it's supposed to, but there's no force applied from the blast and there are no errors at all in the rpt. I'm testing it out in multiplayer since the last game update screwed up the singleplayer so could that be it? It won't work in multiplayer?
  13. bolbies

    Push Units Back?

    This is awesome thanks! Do you think I should change the event handler to "hit" though or will "fired" somehow work? Edit: Haha never mind I'm stupid. I don't need an event handler, I just put it into the script!
  14. bolbies

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Request for A3 version of the version of Taviana from DayZ Origins, just without all the clutter. I like the additional islands at the top left as well as the added bridges.
  15. bolbies

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    I don't know it it's the raptors themselves, class names getting mixed up, or what, but grenades are being thrown by/at the raptors without anybody anywhere near them. You can hear the jingly sound when a grenade hits the ground so they're definitely grenades. Is anybody else having this issue or does someone at least know what's causing this? Edit: I disabled everything but this addon and there aren't any random grenades so it must be a conflicting mod. Edit 2: I used a program called Windows Grep to search through every single file in my Arma 3 folder for the word "Raptor" (since every classname in this addon has that word in it). It took six whole hours to go through everything I have but there are no conflictions at all with this addon on my end. Where are these little grenades coming from??
  16. bolbies

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    Is anybody else getting random explosions when the AI raptors attack? I have no idea why it's happening. Edit: Not even attack, they just explode a few seconds after the raptors spawn for me.
  17. bolbies

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    How exactly do you use neartarget? I've never used it before and I can't find any example on the internet that makes sense to me.
  18. bolbies

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    Is there any easy way to make the raptors enemies to everyone and everyone is enemies to them as if they're their own faction? I know you can do the setfriend and addrating thing but even if they are considered "evil," not only do they not actually attack (just run around as if they are), but if I kill them, my team kills me because I guess they're still considered friendly.
  19. I know this is a HUGE thing to ask for, especially since it didn't work out at all in the past, but I think with bigshot gone and no clear person who's taking over yet, we should start off the new era of DUWS with a huge update to play it on a dedicated server. I'm sure now we all have a nice bit of motivation to work together and finally make this happen, even if it does require us to completely redo it. Plus, since the most requested features now are manually placing enemy zones and custom unit support, it will probably be easier to implement as well as be better performance wise to just rewrite the mission anyway. Obviously this would take a while, but I feel like it would definitely be worth it. Thoughts?
  20. For whatever reason I crash every time I join a game of battle royale whenever I play with my friend from Europe (I'm in the US). It either happens right as I'm spawning in or a few minutes later, but almost guaranteed before I get in the plane. However, everything will play fine when I'm alone or with other friends from school. I've deleted everything in my missions cache, validated all the files, reintalled the game and addon, and deleted the dll files. We also tried switching from Skype to TeamSpeak to see if that was the problem but it didn't do anything. Nothing seems to fix it and there's no error that I can see in the rpt. Does anyone have any ideas? Here's an rpt where it crashed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/70w9kh6zztjin42/arma3_2014-12-31_10-32-59.rpt?dl=0
  21. bolbies

    Battle Royale Crashing

    I tried disabling the integrated card but the the game only gets like 2 FPS and the rpt says it failed to detect the best GPU adapter. Any more ideas? Nothing's coming up on google.
  22. bolbies

    Battle Royale Crashing

    We only played one game and I won! I know one game doesn't really tell much but I think it's working now. Thanks for the help Das Atoorney! I'll see if I can figure out how to switch it over to my Nvidia card.
  23. bolbies

    Battle Royale Crashing

    Alright we should be testing it soon. Like I said it only crashes when I play with him for some reason so I'll edit this post with an update on how it goes. But one thing I noticed in the config just now is that it picks the Intel card because it's "detected in the config" and sure enough the same adapter info is in there. The cfg file is set to read only because I know that the game will sometimes revert settings you changed to increase the FPS. Could that be the problem? How would I fix that?
  24. bolbies

    Battle Royale Crashing

    So I should put it to 1548?
  25. bolbies

    Battle Royale Crashing

    I have an Intel HD Graphics 4000 and a GeForce GTX 675m although I always run it on the GTX one. The fault address changes every time and nothing ever really comes up for them when I google them. And I always thought if you put anything higher for the memory parameters it'll just cap at 2047?