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Everything posted by rambeaux504

  1. I have searched for 10 minutes now with no luck. I actually don't even really know what to search, so I'll just ask you guys to help. If you can tell me what to do or direct me some wheres, that'll work. ----------------------------------------------- Sorry. I think I could figure it out on my own, I usually do, but life has been busy with me lately so I can only sit down and work on a mission for about 10-15 minutes. So I want to turn to the community and learn something new. ----------------------------------------------- Problem(s): I will not go into much detail about the mission. (1) Okay, well I have a SCUD launcher. I have a trigger for a 400m radius. That trigger initiates a count down for 300 seconds (5 minutes). I could easily make the mission stop when that countdown finishes, but I want the soldiers to watch the missile launch so they can let their failure sink in. I know it's very possible.. Maybe I'm over thinking this. I know I can easily set a trigger for a troop 5000m away from the action and sync it to the SCUD trigger, but that's not what I'm looking for. ----------------------------------------------- (2) I want the base to be defended by OpFor troops. And if the Blufor (and Independents) eliminate all the OpFor, they win (With America F*** Yeah! playing in the background (I already have this scripted in)). But the SCUD launcher is OpFor and I have it rigged to where if it is destroyed, you fail. I guess I could make one big opfor group, group them to a trigger so if they are not present, I win. Hmm... But that looks weird with one big line (wedge, vee, etc.) of OpFor. ----------------------------------------------- I'm stuck guys. I really feel like these are two simple problems that I am overthinking. I am also functioning off of 45 minutes of sleep. So sorry for grammar errors and if I don't make much sense.
  2. I'm sorry. I figured everything out between creating this thread and now. I changed the SCUD to civilian. So I could eliminate the rest of the OpFor to complete the mission :) Thanks anyways man! I put that in a notepad for further use ;). As for the mission fail on scud launch, I set another trigger with a count down from 360 seconds for mission failure. It was a really simple fix. Maybe if I think the mission is good enough, I'll post it for all to see.
  3. All links are included at the bottom. I'm playing on a user created map called Gulf of Aqaba(1). There's a border crossing with a fence gate along the border. The fence gate is called fence_gate01 and I ran a script to find out the actual class name I believe (I found "Land_mis_fence01_gate") and the objectid is 113350. I've tried pretty much everything using the object animate ["...", 1] or whatever on a trigger. Then I tried placing a Game Logic on the fence, called game logic. This was the result: Pictures of the gate I'm talking about: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triggers I'm 'trying' to use: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extras: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to know something else. I'm creating a mission where you fight your way through the city and blah blah blah. I want to kill the HVT and have 3 F-15s fly over your head to ACDC.. I have the scene finished, but currently have the F-15s flying around far away from the battlefield. I want them to "teleport" nearby and do a fly over about 20 seconds after the HVT is killed. How would I go about doing this? It's getting frustrating and I really just want to figure this out. Thanks in advance! Hope you guys can help me and other people with a similar issue :) PS, I am a noob at this stuff. Link(s): (1) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175841-Gulf-Of-Aqaba-Map
  4. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    I used a script to find out the classname and I got "Land_mis_fence01_gate". Now I'm going to find out how to incorporate this into a script. Thanks for that information by the way.
  5. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    I think I might be able to do it. I was looking at tutorials. I just need to know what type of gate it is for instance, I know the name is fence01_gate and the objectid is 113350, but what type of gate is it? If that makes sense, I don't how to elaborate anymore. I'll keep looking into it and keep you posted on my progress.
  6. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    Oh yes. I got it that way. But I was trying to do it automatically. Like for a border control outpost. Onlly lets in Blufor and Independents in for example once they enter a designated trigger zone.
  7. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    I don't play online. My computer can barely handle single player. Otherwise, I'd love to play online. You can go up to it and open it. I'm trying to figure out how to trigger it to open automatically. Okay, I know the name is fence01_gate and the objectid is 113350. So I added a guard. I've been testing out different scripts to where the gate opens and he salutes, but he only salutes. So is there anyway I can make him go and open the gate when I enter the trigger zone?
  8. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    Can't get enough of this.. It's just so beautiful. I'm having so much fun with it in the editor. Only negative is that the AI freak out when I add a waypoint to drive through the border. It's still fun though :) How would you go about adding a trigger to the gate? I've been trying to, but nothing is working :( "fence01_gate animate ["(I've tried putting a bunch of things here and nothing will work)", 1];" won't work. Would the script be: objectid/objetname animate ["???", 1] or am I using the completely wrong script?
  9. rambeaux504

    Gulf Of Aqaba Map

    New to the forums, so it won't mean much coming from me, but this is beautiful man :) Keep up the great work! :dancehead:
  10. rambeaux504

    GBL Advanced Interaction

    I noticed this thread hasn't been active for nearly half a year now, so I'm sorry for replying late. Straight to the point, I placed the AIM Module down in my map, I do see the option for Talking and Interacting but when I click talk, the person I'm talking to usually has nothing to say. I believe that's normal though. The problem that I'm mainly concerned about is the interactions. At first, the Biometric Scan option wasn't even lit up, but I added the Scanner to my inventory, so I have the option. When I click the scan option, nothing happens :(... The Hearts and Mind doesn't work and neither does the Search.. The arrest options aren't even lit up either. I added the keycuffs to my inventory and still nothing :(.. Please respond whenever it is convenient. I'd post pictures, but it says I can't because I'm a new member. I'll edit it later to add pictures. Oh sorry if I seem like a "noob". I just picked up ArmA II about a week ago. I read all of the .pdf files that came with the mod. Nothing really helped though :( UPDATE: I figured it out sort of. I set my action key, so I have the option to tell the suspect to stop and arrest them. Now the problem is, when I click "Arrest" nothing happens. UPDATE 2: Fixed everything! I just re-installed ACE. :) Loving this mod. Great Work! But everyone I try to arrest says they haven't done anything.. Do I have to wait for them to kill someone or do I have to script it?