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About z0kng

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  1. Thanks for your help and awesome stuff. i knew it was something stupid.
  2. Hi, i started converting my stuff from raw to custom, and got on some queries the following problem "wrong bind parameters count". Here is an example: [updateWanted] ;; 1 2 3 SQL1_1 = UPDATE playerstates b, player a SET b.crimes = '?' WHERE a.playerUID = ? AND a.playerID = b.playerID AND b.fraction = ? AND b.alive = 1; SQL1_INPUTS = 1-String, 2, 3 Number of Inputs = 3 [10:54:00 +02:00] [Thread 1082764718] extDB2: Extension Input from Server: 1:165401:updateWanted:"[[`Totschlag`],8500]":76561198062277188:CIV [10:54:00 +02:00] [Thread 1561815867] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Trace: UniqueID: 0 Input: updateWanted:"[[`Totschlag`],8500]":76561198062277188:CIV [10:54:00 +02:00] [Thread 1561815867] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: wrong bind parameters count [statemnt]: UPDATE playerstates b, player a SET b.crimes = '?' WHERE a.playerUID = ? AND a.playerID = b.playerID AND b.fraction = ? AND b.alive = 1; [10:54:00 +02:00] [Thread 1561815867] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Wiping Statements + Session [10:54:00 +02:00] [Thread 1561815867] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM: Error Exception: UniqueID: 0 SQL: updateWanted:"[[`Totschlag`],8500]":76561198062277188:CIV if i insert the query manuel into the database it works. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? kind regards z0Kng
  3. Since my friend can't post with his new forum account, i post it for him. Since Patch 1.3.8 I'm loosing after approximately 10 minutes the connection and got kicked in the server-lobby. Before the Patch I had problems with my inventory (it wasn't working properly) and i couldn't enter vehicles, after the same amount of time. My tries to fix this problem: - checking the files - reinstalling - playing on my laptop (instead my desktop PC) - changing to another steam account - opening the ports 2302-2305, 8766, 27016 for UDP on my fritzbox 7390 - playing on different servers - disabled AV and Windows Firewall
  4. Hi, is there now a way to load objects via a script server side? because Im trying 0=[_vehicle, [(typeOf _cargoObj)], "B", true, _cargoObj] spawn IL_Do_Load; and it doesn't work. _vehicle is my object i want to attach to and _cargoObj is my cargo. witch great regards z0Kng
  5. Hi i wanted to know if it is possible to execute an script(.sqf) on the server via an command, because i want to execute an script (on the server) wich saves some things before i use #shutdown. i googled a lot but i didnt found something usefull z0Kng
  6. I have a similar question, but i can't open a thread so I ask it here. My problem is i want to save the fuel in my data base. Saving works fine but if i load it get it as string so i wanted to use parseNumber to convert it in a number. And the problem is if for e.g my string is "0.5125"then parseNumber gives me 0 back. and also for "0,5125". Since i couldn't find i solution in this forum i ask it here. Sincerely yours z0Kng
  7. z0kng

    Ivory Aircraft

    looks awesome