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Everything posted by Fernspäher

  1. Fernspäher

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hey! First of all, thanks for this absolutely marvelous addon! I just wanted to share something I noticed about it. (First of all, it's by no means a big problem, it might even be intentional as far as I know.) All of the rifles weigh the same, be it a good old M16A1 with an M203 or just an M4A1 without a GL. And, also compared to stock ArmA 3 rifles they weight practically nothing. You can see the comparison I made here: http://imgur.com/a/wxWMI#0 . I used https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/load command to get the weight, while being naked and holding fully loaded rifles. As you can see the difference between the Tavor and your rifles is pretty big. Again, this is not a big problem, a 3-kilo M4 shouldn't really add any noticable load to a soldier anyway, but the discrepancy between this and the stock weapons still might mess with the balance in a potential TvT environment or something like that.