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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Again great job on that map, I took some helis for a spin on it yesterday yet again.

    If I may just drop a quick suggestion again, maybe try darkening those bush objects and actually maybe throwing in some more "detail" on them, but what I mean by that is adding more visible lines etc on their texture giving it some more contrasting parts with bits of diff looking leaves or something, maybe some vines etc because it looks quite solid and actually blends "too much" into the land.

    nice work, looking forward for next time

  2. Franley units

    not sure what that even means...

    failed to engage one shot up properly.

    Not sure what that means either, but if your saying they dont shoot properly and engage..

    Personally the AI mods I use are FFIS and TPWCAS , FFIS makes them move tactically in some ways and actually flank enemies and properly return fire, they also actually react pretty well to incoming fire, and TPWCAS makes them prone, duck or take cover when shot at, it has some glitches sometimes, but if you shoot at some enemy squad, most of the time its quite realistic and they will all take a knee or hit the deck and start scanning for you or go for cover.

    I heard VCOM AI has a nice driving mod now called VCOM driving might want to check that out for vehicles.

    There are also other ai mods like ASR AI but personally I dont think it improves AI that much.

    AISS is another one, I think it changes how AI manuver or something, and makes them able to call down mortars on your or something like that.

    If you have any more questions or anything just ask

  3. he could join one of the current russia vs usa projects instead of creating a new usa vs russia project.

    Very fair point, but VTN for instance is made by Russians mostly, and to be quite honest they tend to isolate their own modding community, those VTN guys are not too bad, but even for having a thread on bistudio forums etc they arent exactly the most active in "community" and those sort of things in the sense you see mods from those who are more on bistudio forums

    Also many have different concepts or views for their project.

    Also quality is a huge difference, imagine if RHS was 50% super high quality as currently and like 50% reused arma 1 and tubosquid ports or some shit... it would be pretty bootleg, so they instead keep a consistent quality

    Also Russia is like, the biggest country in the world... and

    The US is arguably the most "influential" in international events, and especially war (past the major ww2, vietnam , iraq , a-stan stuff too, there are very many international conflicts) , so its pretty logical to use them. (Though other mod topics are obviously great, im not endorsing anything here)

  4. Looks good mate, I really like the fact you choose green as a color in those trees and just stuck with it, some maps have all the red/orange shit sticking out of the ground and it just doesnt work.

    I think you could probably use some patches of dead grass in some places at least to keep variety and give more of a post apocalyptic feel.

    Good luck, hopefully it wont destroy our FPS. Also, do I see stalker stuff in there? (wrecked bus)

  5. "close distances" really is a vauge term, honestly for these purposes it means nothing, they would logically give an amount of meteres for that...

    And this mod is not representing ratnik armor, remember that some of that russian stuff probably is from the 80s, its stuff developed in the soviet times.

    Also this is depdenent on the ballistics of the guns too, and RHS probably chose their ballistics and armor togheter so its "balanced" to some extent. When I have fought RHS units, I dont think they "die too quickly" or something, seems just fine to me.

  6. Around 60+ hours were put extra into making hills and plains more realistic (rock formations, small rocks, desert plants).

    Great news, I loved Duala but I think for arma 3 it mightve looked a little too barren in places, good to hear that that is taken care of, that small scale little stuff is good for cover to be effective in some desert gunfights, Duala had some really cool hills on the coastlines and such up north where you could have awesome tankbattles. :) Good luck

  7. Hey Toadie, nice job on the AUG video m8.

    While I was watching it, I noticed some stuff in your Virutal Arsenal :) While I recognized some from the SMA mod,... It seems some of your stuff from for hire is on there too?


    I know you did a remington 799 for .. "For hire" :) Is that the same one possibly? (first result on google images when i looked up the gun lel)

    Also, some other stuff that I looked on moddb for hires page.. seems to match up



    ^ commonwealth pack? xD

    Anyways, if you are doing that stuff that is pretty cool, good luck on that AUG pack, great anims.

    - Detective MikeTim of arma mod gestapo secret internet police :cool:
