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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Nice shrapnel, it was my #1 favorite feature in ACE2.

    I really hope that in the medical system though, that it doesnt use the CSE pain "overlay" because last time I used cse, it was a VERY VERY bright opaque white overlay, which was quite immersion breaking in my opinon.

    The ace2 one was much better, so I assume you guys probably have that stuff all sorted out :cool:

    Good luck, looking forward to the release.


    Also looks like the TF47 Launchers mod author wants to use ACE as a requirement, so I can totally see some cool airburst stuff working in nicley with that mod and ACE frag system

  2. Go for the unfinished island chain.( some unfinished islands surrounding the detailed one)

    I would rather have the other islands too, as long as they are at least covered in a nice looking grass layer its good enough, maybe throw in a few rocks.

    But seriously, as long as they have some nice grass on there so it doesnt look like really blocky 3d terrain crap, then they will be quite usable for missions. (i would be very excited :) )

  3. @Drongo69

    Not only have I also used your Mid East pack, which FYI I had quite enjoyed for a long time..it is seriously one of my favorite all time mods,... but , thanks for your kind words... I have also used that Syrian war pack which uses RHS, but it has not been updated AFAIK to use the AKMs, and it was pretty WIP.

    So, though this pack has really nice quality textures on the vehicles and I think it adds some really awesome stuff, I simply just didnt think the use of massis weapon pack was entirely nessecary.

    For instance, some people already use CUP, and RHS, so you will end up having 3 mods all adding the same guns which can be quite a pain, even if you do go the route of providing optional configs like robowilso (which is a perfectly valid option), if one is to download the mod from play with six it will force them to get the dependencies anyway, even if they want to use an optimal config.

    You make a quite valid point (minus the unnecessary salty language) but (correct me if I am wrong) I would think that someone could pretty much achieve the "goals" (In terms of units, equipment etc) of this pack using the RHS guns, and then also take advantage of the high quality armor and vehicles they provide, including SCUD missles (which are heavily used by the Syrian army).

    But obviously at the end of the day its the choice of the mod author, I am just trying to inform them (because for all I know they might not even know that the new RHS has high quality AKMs and PKMs etc which I think would be a great fit for the mod).

  4. Nice skin and vehicle textures, but I think the quality of The Massis weapon pack are quite low, and you should consider using RHS instead as your depdendecy, which gives the majority of needed weapons( in much higher quality with custom sounds), and also gives explosives, and armored vehicles you could use, and also re texture.

    Not to mention all the vests and other awesome stuff they have, which i think could definitely be used as well.

  5. On the topic of the AI voices, If you need sound samples for greek stuff how about trying some audio from greek riot police footage or something ( they have a shit ton of riots and shout stuff, im sure there is probably some usable stuff in that sort of footage) and for arabic stuff there are like 9000000 syrian war videos which have alot of arabic shouting and the like.
