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Posts posted by miketim

  1. @sttosin

    Remember though, especially with fighting guerillas, like FIA, Taliban, Syrian terrorists, whatever...

    A big part of guerilla tactics is, shooting then retreat or those types of things, alot of it is dependent on ammo.

    Also, if you are playing some hardcore mission, how do they handle looting AI bodies if they have infinite ammo? I am pretty sure there is no way to give them infiite ammo besides giving them like 9999 magazines or adding a new one every time they run out.

    Even if that isnt true, it could almost be unbalanced if the AI has infinte ammo. If you are playing one of those missions where you are some US millitary team, with full apache support, air strikes, drones and a whole tank squad, yeah sure, infitnite ammo AI isnt a problem. But in a mission maybe, where you are the guerillas, or you are a underequipped force, it could make it so you run out before the AI do, every single time without fail.

  2. @everyone who commented to my posts and the whole discussion resulting:

    What I meant when speaking about generic stuff, and a good way to deal with "milita" and "defense force" items

    What I meant really, was just some like generic textures of stuff.

    For instance, lets say that RHS adds a bulletproof vest, lets call it Model 1.

    Now, model 1 has a Russian Woodland texture, and maybe some specifically russian insignias on it (just making stuff up)

    I would suggest that for every object, or at least certain types (ie:vests)

    They could have non camofualge ones, just plain brown cloth cover, or some black cloth covering instead of camo, with no markings, to be used by anyone as part of some militia faction, or just extra items for a load-out, whatever.

    So for model 1, they could have, X numbers of camos for Russians, then like 1-4 black, brown, olive plain texture versions, unmarked and such, so even if they dont make some milita factions we can make our own "militia load-outs" or some generic Eastern Europe (soviet) infantry guys or something.

    The same idea can apply to helmets and uniforms, some unmarked plain green helmets or something (steel w/ no cover or such)

    These items would not necessarily belong to a faction, they could just have a like "generic eastern gear" crate or something. This use could span from Crimean militias, all the way to some Syrian soldiers or something that could use these generic types of items.

    I think this is a good idea because it allows more people to use the items (they don't really have to match camo, if some generic olive version is made, it can match most woodland camos, same goes for khaki colour--->will match most desert camos) this idea is not difficult to use, making a generic olive texture and khaki texture or black etc etc is not that hard if you already have some camo stuff, you just get some plain template you used or something, then apply a colour, some quick texture stuff and its done.


    Generic color/unmarked camo items, helmets, uniforms, vests can go a long way to helping build some generic factions, or just allowing players to use some items that will match better with most things, as opposed to having only camo that is different from their stuff, instead using a generic color. You don't really need to make a new faction if you don't want, just some of these retextured items (probably not even a real re-texture)

    I hope this makes sense, especially since its a wall of text about such a simple idea. :cool:

    Hope you devs can do something like this, thanks for the great mod work.

  3. @boomit4

    Yeah. I thought they were using ASDG JR, so that attachment problem should be cleared up. Anyone, the weapon screens look fine for the AFRHS mod, but yeah the sounds on this mod are not of a high quality.

    Personally I am using this mod only for some uniforms, and I use RH m4/m16 pack, along with NATO sf weapon (I really hope i dont have to use that forever, some parts of it are such low quality).

    I am planning to drop nato sf weapons once american forces Rhs comes out.

    lets see how the whole things goes, have confidence in those modders.

  4. Froggy, I think obviously it is good to weigh all solutions.

    I do think that giving AI infinite ammo might break some scenarios though.

    Another solution is to let them pick up ammo from the ground, dead bodies (especially their friends) as a big priority, like they sprint right for ammo every time or somthing.

    Or, some system could spawn some AI "caches", whether physical or virtual, where they retreat to, then get rearmed and come back.

    It is kind of a odd situation to handle, but then again last time I saw an Ai run out of ammo, he actually retreated, then shot me with his pistol later on when I didn't expect it.

    That was on vanilla against a CSAT troop.


    Last time I fought an AI sniper, I was on the ATC tower in stratis airport. I had a m110 from some mod, there were about 12 AAF troops in some base, about 600 meters away, 2 of them were snipers.

    I shot at them a bit, killed 2 or 3 rifleman.

    One of the snipers started zeroing one me, first a few shots hit the side of the tower, next they were hitting 2 feet away. Suddenly I looked down my scope, and this sniper guy was popping up (intentionally or not) from behind a H-barrier, shooting then ducking again, doing a cycle. Wasn't scripted, I had just been dicking around placing units in Zeus.

    I was probably using asr_ai, I don't think this had a big effect, even if it did, i assume this mod could achieve the same result, maybe that was just a odd coincidence.


    Would it be possible to have different basic drill type things for each side? or be able to insert some script line or somthing, that makes it so you can change what type of procedures a side/faction follows? It would be cool to have somthing like that because it could really seperate how different sides operate. Like how soviet infantry doctrine is more about negev rush while nato is like the basic drill type stuff.

    Maybe your current solution works fine for all sides, but having yet to see it I can only guess.

  5. No I havent' I have mine at 128 (the highest)

    but my soundcard "renders" at like 192 khz (I think khz, if not, read as the normal mesurment people use)

    I have a good soundcard al that shit whatever, and if I remember correctly, I think I thought that 128 samples sounded better, is there a downside to using it or something? I think maybe it dropped my FPS in arma 2 by like 5 or something, I really am not informed about the sound samples option.

    If someone could give me more info that could be great.

    Also, i'm pretty sure this sound only happens when my rotors hit an object (and not even every time, its unpredicatable), I don't remember ever hearing it when crash landing on skids or something, or just going straight down and crashing the nose and exploding.

  6. No. black waterline is not somthing that has anything to do with my video settings.

    Its a glitch, from using certain arma 2 maps in arma 3, that have ponds in them, the ponds have a rendering glitch when used in arma 3 that fills the whole screen with a big 3d artifact that has the pond textures on it, it only happens when the game renders more than one pond object at a time, that is unrelated but I will drop the link


    Anyway, I get that I should't use altis yeah, but I kind of would like to use it. It is, after all, the default map for this game and it would be pretty shitty if I cannot use it.

    It is not totally unplayable, its just annoying to use at all in cities, so I don't bother.

  7. @bigringantics

    Sounds like a good idea, it would go perfectly with the greece setting (lol :D)

    Some like intense greek street riot police dudes with some nice modular armor vs some like somalian immigrant guys with homemade flamethrowers, molotovs and shivs, with the occasional chinese mac-10 copy in between (swat 4 reference)

  8. They are separate packs ( I am at least 99% percent sure, not sure why they wouldn't be), so you don't (shouldn't) I hope, alex_vestin please confirm have to download the Russian Units of RHS, even though you should, but that is your decision.

    You can just get American Forces Pack from RHS, trust me bro its going to be THE american mod that we all use.

    Don't doubt those guys, its the best of the arma 2 modders, with alex vestin doing improved versions of his camo patterns from this high quality mod.

    Trust me on this one bro, shouldn't be a problem.

    ---------- Post added at 23:49 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------


    They are going to be tandem US and Russian packs bro, that is what US and Russian RHS forces packs are going to be, I assume that this mod is going to obsolete, but if not I am confident that the US pack from RHS is going to be this stuff+a ton more, that is really high quality and is going to be great, a perfect East vs West situation, battling it out :cool:

  9. Hey guys.

    This glitch where I crash my helicopter, and in first person it makes this terrible glitchy sound, no way its what its really supposed to be the real sound.

    It only happens in first person, it happened to me about 4 times, on the arma 2 map Celle 2. (using a3mp)

    It happened to me twice today when crashing into trees, ok so you might suggest its the fault of the map, maybe some material sound was defined wrong.


    2 of the times I crashed it was in a little bird, and it hit a ArmA 3 prop each of those 2 times (once a "dirt hump (small)" and once a white factory building (from altis)"

    the other 2 times, I was in the aaf heli, the one that is a ch49 or whatever (the weird chinook variant), and I hit trees in the map, it happened once by accident, but wasn't too loud. I recognized it and tried to repeat, I crashed into a tree (Not that it matters, but the same model) and it made the sound again, because it asploded my eardrums :crazy: *ouch*,

    I quickly changed to thirdperson, once in thirdperson the glitch sound ended and the regular explosion one was there, switching back into first person quickly, I heard the static shit fading away (ie: it was still the sound from firstperson when I went back).

    This happens randomly and makes me afraid sometimes to crash helis :eek:

    I really don't know why, all audio works fine besides this one sound ingame, and on my computer, I played a song from Okean Elzy right after that static shit experience, and it sounded just fine :cool:

    This is really odd, its not like the same static I get from firing cannons of some a-10 when my fps drops to 10 lol, this is really LOUD *ouch* static, this is some type of glitch.

    Thanks if you can help, I wonder if anyone experienced this.

    Its very specific in terms of its scope, I hope this gets resolved in some sense.

  10. Yeah, I think some real roads at least in/on or around the millitary bases would be cool, for quickly moving somthing like tanks or artillery to another part if you were doing base defense.

    I am really liking those oil rigs. I think the villages should have some mosques though, it is supposed to be like Saudi Arabia right? If you know that kind of squarish mosque building,

    its one of the niceest OA buildings in terms of quailty, there is one that is kind of rectangular with pillars in the front, and another smaller one to go with it that is squareish with a little dome on top, maybe place a few of those in some villages, or even one of those big Zargabad mosques with some walled fort type thing around it, I heard that Dariyah is known for its medevial arab forts or somthing.

    Nice work.

  11. View distance, something like 2500 more or less

    Object distance about 1000-1100

    I do feel like I would really like to keep the viewdistance up, I really cant stand too much popping and such, terrain detail "medium" or "normal" is a little annoying in terms of grass popup, but I can handle it I guess :(

    Yeah I do use arma 2 maps, I get great fps on stuff like torabora and overall those are better, but my big problem is Altis, it really does lag a good bit sometimes, I feel like my FPS on there is always like consistently 5 or 10 fps lower than I would really like.

    If you guys need more info ask me

    Also, on clafghan I get problems sometimes with the black waterline lake glitches, do you know how to fix it lol

    Also, ALIVE totally dips fps (not just for me) sometimes, trust me I have seen the difference, alive can drop fps by 20 in some mp servers (not clientside fps, the server one)

    I am mostly talking about fps when doing coop with my 2-4 buds right off of the start new server option in the server browser, I don run a real dedicated one, I use some hamachi one but idk how to use it without hamachi, I guess using internet correctly would help the FPS on my coop game?

    ---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------


    Why should I drop object quality to low, then i'm pretty sure it renders stuff at a 300 m distance in some shitty way and I can barley see the windows on buildings, stuff like entire bunkers can suddenly appear on those quality settings and I honestly dislike it.

    I am running DDR3 ram, and my memory is already at that frequency I am pretty sure.

  12. Well, I understand that but that is not really what I mean in terms of compatibility.

    I don't plan on fighting the Tiger against the Abrams :)

    Its not like penetration and weapons against modern vehicles or old ones im worried about,

    I just mean will it change all the main menu screens and take over the game, like I44, or does it just add the stuff, it does not have to be similar in armor values or anything, I just wonder if its just adding stuff not changing everything in the game and adding like for instance, a new medic menu or some new crosshair and hud, which I would not like.

  13. Do you mean to AI or human players? Your guy should automatically say it when changing mags if he has an AI team, if your with your friends just use caps lock for voice chat or if you hit ~ (if you don't have this key, look up the equivalent), in this menu there should be an option that says somthing like "ammo low", or since your Polish, if you play in polish it might be some option like "niski amunicja" :confused: I think.

    Hope that helps, if you need more info ask me.

  14. No, don't worry.

    It just means there will be a folder of optional files (or a seperate download of them)

    that you can drag into your mod files (the rh m4/m16 ones) and it will then use some JSRS sound configurations.

    You don't have to use those, it just means that you will not have the JSRS compatible effects on it, you can run it fine with speed of sound, it just wont inherently support your soundmod, even if some effects might work without extra modding.

    Overall, don't worry, if you don't use JSRS, it wont affect you.

    Ok, your welcome.

  15. Might want to post with a more specific title, admins will *probably* tell you this at some point.

    Also, they might also tell you to put this into addon requests, if they determine it falls under that category.

    Just a heads up man.

    If you want modellers to help you, which is totally valid and a great idea, you should probably try to make it seem more professional in terms of the posting etc etc.

    PS: It's anyone, not any one :D

    These helis could be pretty cool in the game, maybe someone would like to take it up, but is it just me or does that eurocopter look just like, (at least in terms of the tailrotor) the po-30 orca from vanilla?

    Good luck.
