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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Are these scope textures (reticules) meant to be a modders resource or something?

    They are really awesome, :)  defintley the best scopes i've seen done in arma, really enjoyable to use, but they are all using the DMS model, is that just a placeholder for now or is the intent for other mods with custom models to start using the scope view textures (or whatever is called sorry) you've made?

  2. I like the idea of a donated weapons pack, or maybe even how one guy suggested just not having any weapons in the pack, so we can use whatever weapons and stuff we want with the uniforms

    I would defintley suggest not going the route of mutiple PBOs where you can delete PBOs or anything. I think dicking around with PBO files presents too much of a hassle when getting other people to download the mod or clan/group stuff.

  3. Personally I think releasing it using CUP weapons is pretty much a mistake because requiring us to use any optional PBOs will instantly introduce like 50 other things for a server owner to do, and try convincing members of a clan/group to sit there and move a few PBOs, alot harder then it sounds lol.

    CUP is open source, so just port all the weapons from CUP that you need, and leave out the other ones (because frankly some are not the greatest), so we don't have to have the whole CUP arsenal cluttering our inventory. And, most of the western stuff wasn't too bad so, the quality should be ok. I would rather just use like, probably RHS and this mod (to represent older or newer time period), with no  dependencies, and if CUP is a dependency then thats a whole nother list of weapons to clog the arsenal, more then half of which won't be used by the mod.

    I'm hype for the mod though, it was awesome in arma 2 :)


    Also yeah, as other people have said, lets hope that CUP updates, it could allievate some major concerns, would still be a quite a large dependency though.

  4. + 1 to Modular pack please, especially if this goes on the workshop, modular will be a lifesaver for communities.

    I know people on shitty internet, they just flat out refuse to download an 8 gb mod.

    Some sort of base and then modular individual maps would work perfectly.

    If you do modular, you're not pissing anyone off because those that want it all-in-one can still add all of the terrains, it's not like it makes a difference for them anyway.

    Word up phonic studios :cool: agreed

  5. I don't see why anyone needs to try to change the CUP teams goals, they have clearly been working very hard for quite a long time, and my hat is off to them for the great content they are bringing back to ArmA 3.

    Personally, I am someone who would love to use both CUP and RHS togheter (both are great mods which i enjoy), so hopefully there is a compatibility patch made by the community, or maybe if BI fixes magazineclasses and such, then these sorts of things could become much more easily feasible without extra workload. ( joint mags mod anyone ?)

    But overall, not particularly sure why anyone is clamoring over ACE compatibility for that matter (ace was kinda a let down anyways) but anyone is free to make their own compatibility patches, so no need to mandate more work for anyone, including the cup team. If you want some compatibility, try to make it yourself, but quite honestly I am sure the community will make some.

    Lastly, congrats to the cup team on their upcoming mods, I'm hype :cool:

  6. I meant the new BWmod :) I've had the previous version for quite a while now, :cool: now if only that damn Celle 2 map wouldn't be bugged so I could get the full German experience...

    That armored vehicle looks awesome though

    I hope we will get a tropentarn or whatever the desert camo version is.

  7. DarkSideSixOfficial:..So having civilian assets is good...

    Agreed completely, I think that BI remembers where their bread is buttered :)

    Still wondering though, what features (besides DX12 or whatever) could be coming alongside this DLC anyway??

    MistyRonin: I'm pretty sure we will have to pre-buy the Expansion DLC before being able to play in Tanoa.

    Sounds fair to me, I just hope that BI wont have some huge nagging colorful map in the menu that we can't use if we didn't buy it.

  8. Reinstalling AIA TP just to try this xD

    Looking forward to using it with CUP_Terrains.

    Nice work! I'll be reporting any bugs I find as well.

    PS: Good idea to make it seperate, but using the term "standalone" might make people think it requires no Addons, so maybe you should just make it say that it requires a3mp or aia tp etc in some nice bold text and not just links, so people can notice it better.

  9. I don't think custom maps are going to be much a big factor in ReShade perfomance, besides some which are really perfomance heavy or just plain impossible to run (Bornholm, Ukraine map), most custom maps actually perform better then Altis, due to usually being unfinished and underpopulated with objects, or making heavy use of less perfomance heavy arma 2 models and such.

    @LSD Timewarp

    How did you play the sauerland map without getting those config errors from that one airport or whatever? I remember the buildings on that map dissapeared in some spots for me.

  10. I think it would be weird if you could play an island without buying it ,honestly, its really fucking off-putting to know that im buying essentially something that will change a registry value or some number on a steam database(ie: just unlock something), and not the "Content" itself... I think the system worked alright for weapons/uniforms etc, but it would be pretty hard to ignore an island and all its content, probably 3-4 Gb, especially if the buildings and other content are also DLC locked. I dunno, I personally would rather just buy it like a "traditional" DLC... But , BI is going to make tens of thousands of dollars from altis life players buying the DLC to utilize the civllian content, I can assume it will probably become a necessity for some of those servers, so they will probably do their new dlc model.

  11. As I said previously, in high-speed games like racing it's were fps could make a significant difference. Arma is not a high-speed game.

    Very much agreed, while I would love a stable 60 FPS in ArmA just as much as anyone else, I just know it isnt going to happen on my hardware with this engine, and as far as play-ability at low frame rates, arma is pretty high up there, I could not imagine myself playing most other games at the frame-rates which arma can dip down to. But, pushing ArmA's performance and stability is still just as important though, regardless of this.

    Back when my computer was more shitty, I used to cap my FPS at 30 on games to get a more smooth experience. The only thing worse then shitty FPS, is choppy and "hiccup"y FPS, at least in my opinon, it can be quite jarring and irritating, one of the primary reasons I have stopped playing Fallout: New Vegas, while I could get a full 75 FPS at times, It would become choppy and hiccup in high-stress areas. (As many games do, Arma can go to shit during big firefights for me)
