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Posts posted by miketim

  1. I was too busy shoving a 8mm mauser in my throat from that music at the beginning, but after muting OMG... amazing work! :)

    This is just so much more proof that it is infintley amazing... wow this is really going to push the details of maps now and this way it forces you to look and see if its good really.. it gives a better picture of the in game so people can be "forced " to pay more attention to detail... just amazing like the rest of the xcam stuff.

  2. Woah that pic is showing new supply crates and do you notice the postion of that vehicle.. looks like its going to be loaded in there hmm :confused:

    :) I hope so.

    Also on the actual topic of dev branch, I havent tested in latest update but before I would get loading screens for about 2-3 seconds every 10-15 seconds pretty random in coop with my freind... with mods and without, no particular thing it happened constantly.. this also happened with previous dev branchs from last month.. but seems to always work in stable branch

  3. Also he cannot submit a mod as part of the mission if it is not his... right?

    Meaning you must make your own mod to include it, I believe..

    And I dont believe RHS would just let him pack their mod in with a mission so...

    Wait why is he submitting to manw if the mod isnt out until manw is almost done or something...

    Is he going to make the mission in 2 days or something?

  4. PhysX is in the game..

    As per your "implemented horribly" its probably something more along that line... I would use those words but.. yes its not exactly the best.

    But overall , PhysX is used in game on vehicles and I believe objects, but in the arma engine you can only use it so much, as opposed to engines built to work with it overall etc.

  5. No I dont think so... I am trying to explain this but my brain dies :p

    I belive it wont work since its probably considered different...

    Like for instance, if I use this map with the AiA TP, it doesnt fix the fences and stuff from arma 2.. so probably it wont work with what your saying.... :confused:

    They probably have like different classnames or some other shit, maybe it would work but I wouldnt count on it.

  6. Woah nice work on that one.

    If you have not contacted M1lk8man or whatever his name is (sorry I dont know how its spelled) you should contact him because he is super skilled at interiors and can probably tell you how to do all the stuff your having trouble with and how to optimize some stuff and all that stuff to help, so you should talk to him.

    Nice work, great job using the carpet on the wall.

  7. Lukrop Ammo has not been recently supported if I remember correctly...

    I don't think I have seen anything about if for months most likely.

    (I do realize this isnt your fault/responsiblity, just letting you know)

    Also nice to hear you are doing all that .300 stuff, also I am looking forward to RHs stuff coming out once you give him the values or whatever.
