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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Maybe you could make RHS mod a requirement and then also re-texture some of their stuff, they imo offer the most consistent high quality stuff as far as uniforms and weapons go, and GREF has alot of stuff like Khaki Russian vests that are perfect for soviet soldiers ( and for instance something like east german i presume), but their Russian vests are only really compatible (without ugly clipping) with their own Russian uniforms.

  2. I think all the immerse stuff should just be clientside, and not affect VON or Medkits, just IMO.

    I like using it on COOP games and stuff but it doesnt affect other peoples stuff.

    I think the heartbeat while supressed would be a good one.

    Maybe some dirt effect on screen if bullets hit near you.

    Maybe some kind of effects related to stamina of some sort, more of a visual or something?

    good luck on improving your mods. :)

  3. I think the panelaks look fine, never broke my "immersion" in Petrovice, seemed like a perfectly realistic depressing eastern bloc city to me.

    The textures are much better then on the old ones as far as I remember, thats good enough for me at least. (Same goes for all the stuff that have newer textures)

    I can see why the brick part that high does look weird though, not a huge deal but It does look a little weird.

  4. Pretty good overall, good areas for gameplay etc.

    My only criticism would be that there is a bit too much clutter i think, it makes it look good but seems to sacrifice a bit of perfomance,

    Also the static non wreck vehicles models around the map can be a bit misleading, players in a mission might think its a real vehicle and complain or something lol

    Also tanoa assets would defintley fit, would that make the map require owning Tanoa? Not sure how that works

  5. The map is defintley a refreshing change and has some great locations.

    I do think it suffers a bit from the same problem as Altis though in the sense that it has too many urban spaces too close together, but thats just preference.

    I like the industrial facilities and the modern cites are pretty cool but I would have rather seen more slums and a few ruined towns or cities, after all their natural resources have been heavily drained and those foreign influences might not benefit their economy in a even manner.

    The mines are really cool though, great spot for artillery cannons.

  6. I like the visual changes, it makes Altis look really good, I think it really makes the different grass/shrub types visually pop and look more convincing.

    I think the look makes buildings look better for sure.

    Ideally I would want it to stay visually the same as it is while fixing those lighting problems with chemlights etc. that got introduced.

  7. Great work on the map.

    It works very well for urban motorized combat and tank battles, as well as CQB.

    I like the fact that you kept it free of map labels, makes it very versatile.

    My only suggestions are that you add more garbage items to the ground ( the arma 3 garbage bags look nice) and personally i prefer the A2 OA roads that you used outside the city to the Chernarus ones, I think it would probably look better with those A2 OA roads ( the ones that dont have leaves on the edges)

    The buildings fit really well, I think you could use some more foliage on the ground though, maybe try to mix in some of the arma 3 green grass from altis in small patches, and there is some dead grass and shrubs from altis as well that would fit perfectly.

    Also as that other guy said adding some pine forests around the city with like half dead trees and some arma 3 dead bushes would fit really well.

    Also one thing is that the map looks weirdly bright on the map screen, the  texture looks oddly bright compared to the actual ground on there.

    Good work, looking forward to version 2 :)


    Found a bug

    You spawned 2 factory buildings into each other right here

