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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Quote Originally Posted by serjames View Post

    I'm not sure this was ever answered. How come we can't see the opened up SMD buildings etc on the Sahrani map ? I thought that was fixed. I can see them on the other 3rd party maps ?


    Sorry Kju.. I think this keeps getting missed. Can you help ?

    THanks :-)

    Yeah no one has responded to this issue... is SMD even integrated? :confused: Did something go wrong in the update process? I think someone said a while back they would have to manually place them, but cant they just replace it by classname?

  2. So with the latest version of Acre2, I tried to use it with my friend.

    We play though Evolve, which is like hamachi but less annoying (same concept), it assigns IPs all that stuff, here is the link:


    I can host games on arma 3 and my friends connect fine on the LAN tab, so arma 3 mp works fine. (ie: evolve works, its not broken)

    But when I use Acre2 (both me and my friend have the mod, and the latest ts3 plugins installed)

    and we both connect to the same teamspeak server (not one hosted on evolve, its some random empty server)

    in the same channel with plugin enabled,

    In game acre2 works, but only for me (I am hosting the game over evolve LAN)

    For my friends it works for like, 10 or 15 seconds before their acre loses connection between arma and teamspeak, and (as it should) they are muted and I dont hear them in ts..

    But I dont get why it wouldnt work, we dont share the same IP, for instance me as host is like xx.xx.xx.1 and he is like xx.xx.xx.2 or .3 etc

    And the teamspeak server isnt muting/kicking us etc or any anti spam, its the connection between teamspeak and arma which is the problem..

    Sorry for this post being formatted like shit etc etc... I just hope you can help me with this issue since I see no reason it wouldnt work. Thank you.

    (ps: In the mission it was just 2 players placed , no adding radios, anything like that, we are just 2 players with the radio you get by default (the default acre one))

    We were both running latest dev branch, but the exact same thing happened to us on a earlier stable build of arma with the older acre2, on different teamspeak servers as well.

  3. Windows fuckin 10 :confused:

    That exists? Doesn't sound like something that would be a good thing to throw in the mix, have you tried in something less... Experimental :rolleyes:

    Remember how crazy the arma engine is, I wouldn't put it past the engine to not want to play with the OS.

    Now excuse me while I go look up windows 20. ;)

  4. Oh THOSE REFLECTIVE BELTS... derp, I was thinking of an equally reflective but totally unrelated type of belt.. yeah I know what your talking about lol, dont wanna trip and end up in some ditch in the dark marching from base to the latrine at 3 in the morning :cool:

    In all seriousness, That would be cool as like a backpack slot item for training maybe, maybe a vest slot one ? Not sure I could see them considering making one as its own uniform. :confused:

  5. "Selfish" or not, the whole manw thing will be done in 20 something days, after that is probably a good time to re evaluate the current situation of not only this mod but other people who are making mods and having problems with support etc.

    But yeah I agree, once MANW is done I am sure that we will end up with some great mods and also some modders who are done with their work, and hopefully will be willing to help you.

    Good luck.

  6. I dont think its possible, I belive they define the fire from vehicles stuff as a certain type of cargo seat,... not gunner.

    Then again, what if it can switch you to a invisible (doesnt show up in list) cargo seat when your turned out and select something like how VBS 2 does it , "select personal items" in vbs 2 will toggle your weapon on and off instead of turret, and then just have it switch back and forth between gunner and "invisible" cargo position...

    I wonder if this would work. :confused:

  7. Yeah top quality for sure, I am a bit surprised they haven't released many US images recently or something, you would think they would try to keep the hype up or something lol, then again they have their reasons most likely.

    Anyways that PhysX stuff was labeled "testing" so I would chalk it up to not being exactly what will be in the final version, hopefully they resolve problems and all that stuff, that guy from Refined Vehicles is doing it, and he is really good.

    On another note, is that scope the same on from the arma 2 DMR ?(I dont mean the model, I mean the actual scope).
