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Posts posted by miketim

  1. You cant just "import it".. you cannot modify and distribute another persons addon without their permission, in any way... or just reupload it under a new title ( doesn't matter how much you changed or didn't change)... that is prohibited... its called Intellectual Property.

    So no, it is ILLEGAL to take ANY mod from arma 2, unless it was released as open source or such, and just "import" it to arma 3... without explicit legal permission from the author..

    Doesnt matter what you claim to do, or not have done etc, what you have simply done so far is in violation of Intellectual property, because clearly by your statements you werent given permission

    .Also, please don't take this out on me, you cannot "argue" with this, its the law.

  2. Hey Egil, I have played Bornholm for a day or two now and here are the problems (complaints and bitching) I found:

    Alot of Overuse of those concrete walls, especially randomly on beach areas.



    I found one in the forest randomly somewhere, and you put a bunch of them on the beach by raghammer... maybe you should consider placing some czech hedgehogs and barbed wire instead.... its significantly more millitarylity logical, random walls arent really logical for a beach, and you (imo) use those walls way too much anyway.

    (Also I think it would look significantly better)

    Try using some of those arma 3 (they have arma 2 ones as well) green millitary walls, they blend better with the ground color so it looks less overly-contrasted.

    Also you could try using some of those arma 3 canal walls, you could partially sink them, line the tops with sandbags, or hedgehogs and barbed wire, maybe some hescos and it would make more sense and look much better too.

    (seriously do this, I think it would look awesome as hell) :)

    Another issue is the firing range, the firing postion things are floating: (which makes it kind of less useable)


    Also on that firing range I cant tell how im supposed to shoot at stuff... the angles and everything is kind of confusing, not sure where your supposed to shoot from really, the wood walls are facing some certain way... I just dont know how its supposed to be, maybe im in the wrong place to shoot? You included some targets but im not really sure where I should be to shoot them :confused: (The targets are like in the ditch, but there is wood things on top... :confused:)

    Another issue, you placed helicopter wrecks on raghammer( and in some field (north?) of it.. frankly I dont think it looks that good there, and I dont think any helicopters crash there, you should use a car wreck or something ( there are alot of good models) and those heli wrecks are really dark black and kind of just contrast hard. (the black is strong against the ground espsecially when there isnt grass, I pretty much suggest dont use helicopter wrecks, at least not those ones , some ArmA 2 soviet one or something would look better and maybe look less "hard" )

    Image: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=329536701


    (if you look, it almost makes the grass stuff look more aliased, just really conflicts visually)

    (Also, there is a black wreck CJ-130 crashed by raghammer, isnt the most logical )

    As i am sure you also know, there is some grass growing on the roads, if you want I can find you coordinates.

    Something which isnt really a proper issue but I think you should do later once you fix bugs etc, is to put some proper parking lots or proper pavement lots, gas stations also have grass...:p I think bornholm is pretty developed right.. they can afford concrete :cool:

    Some LOD stuff has minor errors but nothing much and it doesn't annoy me (I think some bushes switch to early) but I wont argue, because I need that performance :)

    Good work on the map, hopefully you can get the problems sorted out for like 1.1 or something. :rolleyes:

    I assume most perfomance related things cant be fixed very much, we all know its arma.

    (For me placing objects quality from High to standard gave me a 4-6 fps boost just enough to keep it smooth enough (over 30) )

    (ps: if you have trouble with the objects, just ask AiA TP team or CUP or whatever it is now, they can probably give you working fixed stuff, I guess it must be after manw is over??)

    (ps ps: Also I found some vans in the forest somewhere...( like once or twice) those Van models arent really the most fitting in the forest, again I think using arma 2 or 3 rusted models is better, how about you do a hatchback or offroad or even truck wreck, see if you can throw a bush growing on it or something)

    (ps ps ps: I am going to go in zeus and do some placement, and post a screenshot of how I think you improve the beach fortifications to give you some ideas or something, ill post it once ive done it)

    Part 2:

    Beach fortifications:

    Because I think that frankly the beach fortifications overuse that concrete wall model way too much, here is a way I think you could do it, or at least use for inspiration etc.




    Try canal wall with some hescos, sandbags etc with some barbed wire, maybe czech hedgehogs.

    Czech hedgehogs and wire and such look nice with the grass and all you have there:


    You can just also mess with using those canal walls, it fits much much better with a beach then random concrete walls, think about it.. what are those walls even blocking? :rolleyes: (deep philisophy ;) )

    Try also using some of these millitary walls (shown on the right): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=329537898

    I think it fits better than the concrete ones, they contrast too much with the ground and overall dont have great LODs.

    They are higher though, maybe you could sink it into the ground (I am pretty sure that would probably work beautifully, your the master at sinking stuff as evidenced by those houses) :)

  3. "rip of someone elses work"
    is not a
    "Good Idea."

    Not really what I would call a good idea.

    I am going to assume this was ported with permission, but if it wasnt... come on you should know better.

    Also what is this "fallujah map port" .... you didnt make that map and frankly I doubt you were authorized to port it.

  4. Yup, getting it now, annoying as fuck making coop with my mates unplayable.

    I got this ONLY on dev branch before, now they moved this shite into stable.. fucked it all up.

    What did BI even do? Loading screens every 10 seconds littearly makes it 100% unplayable in coop with my freinds.

    Its not my computer, its not my internet, its not how im hosting.. its the update, and importantly

    its not addons. (tested with/without various addons, on various maps, no difference)

    This is a game issue from dev branch that has surfaced in stable now that they moved their shit over, it happens on any sort of hosted mp (off my computer) when my friends play, which worked 100% fine before, and I confirm its from the update. Only I (the host) get this problem, but now I am also getting some major fucked up vehicle desync in coop too, not sure if related to this specific problem.

  5. Does anyone else get random loading screens in dev branch mp, whenever I play coop with my friend on stable it works fine and dandy, but on any dev branch (its done this for every dev branch for at least a few weeks) the game will just get loading screens every 10-15 seconds... for about 3 seconds or so and it disappears , comes back every 10 or so seconds, it makes the game unplayable in dev coop for me, I am hosting the game and get this but it works fine for him, no issues.

    Its not a problem with how I host, works fine on stable.

  6. Dude you dont even know, some guy spammed MANW before with like, 8 mods... all some random picture of some ukranian flag with a guys face... not sure what it was supposed to be but they had the most random names, like "wida" and other random stuff... the description was "asdasad"

    I think if you entered manw, you might do a better job then those guys :)
