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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Hey, cool to see another update.

    May I ask, how did you make these faces? Are you just reskinning the exsisting face texture, or adding some texture layer or something ???

    I am curious , I would like to try making some camo faces, if its good you can have it lol :D

  2. I wouldnt say its a taboo question, I think post release both mods should just do a small cooperation to make compatilbity patches, for magazines, maybe scopes and such, but I at least hope VTN doesnt replace HUD or main menu or loading screens etc so you could just use it togheter (even if it wasnt "compatible")

    But obviously that requires work, but I am sure RHS team will be more willing to cooperate on that after MANW, they are probably busy right now.

  3. AI using camo faces for me spawning units through zeus... 50% of the time its a camo face.

    Also I see no option in agm menu to change face camo or something, but im using agm

    edit: nvm its optional pbo, but on play with six its required to have AGM and cba.. might want to sort that out

  4. @Polymath

    1. What "guidelines" would you suggest... I fail to see any that would work in a tangible fashion , and how do you propose these are "enforced"?

    2. I understand that there are always going to be shitty arma 2 port mods, shitty life mods etc... just dont play them and wait for stuff like RHS which is actually high quality and not some stolen turbosquid model textured in MS paint and uploaded to like virus.ru.br.arma3lyfedownload.net like some arma 3 mods. :rolleyes:

    Hopefully Make Arma Not War will be something that can help fix inconsistency.

    3. You want to "bring this to the attention" of who? All mods arent going to be suddenly changed to be a certain way, nor will BI see your one post and make some descesion to do anything... what did you forsee your post "sparking", is this meant to bring some deep phisophical converstation about arma 3 modding :confused:

    Also not sure what you meant by 'design' , probably a poor choice of wording... did you mean something more along the lines of like, mods literally not looking good together ( visual quality) or for instance, using different magazines and scopes etc ??

    ps. Fuck why did I not realize this was going to b e my 999th post....

  5. No... I dont think so, RH said he would release with vanilla 7.62, now he is only waiting on 6mm..

    RobertHammer: Fine i will use vanilla 7.62 but still i need to wait for Spartan anyway

    I believe that "anyway" is the 6.5 ballistics.. Pretty sure he said something about it earlier.

  6. He is waiting for 6mm (mm or whatever) ballistics information from spartan (another modder) to release it.

    (I believe I am correct, don't take this as 100% the word of god) :cool:

    Also bro, if he wants to show pics he will show them on his own time.

    Also in the arma engine you cannot use a laser and light on a gun at the same time, there is a mod called MRT acessories that lets you... but its not exactly the perfect solution.

    Also we don't even know when marksman dlc is coming, why would he wait for that?

  7. I think the lighting is at least ok, if it was lighter it would bring too much contrast, especially between the ground and houses... and it would look more "porty" in terms of buildings.

    Also Egil, found a problem with a road:


    at these coords: (where that zeus is)


    Ps: Nikiforos I dont work for a QA department :) I just want to help the map improve
