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Posts posted by miketim

  1. Yes Humvees are in here, there at quite a few variants in Tan and woodland pattern.

    @fons They are not going to include tank interiors, they already stated that.

    You seem to think they are "hiding" it, it simply is not modeled, so there is really no chance you are going to see this.. unless they miraculously decide they will suddenly do them which is highly unlikely.

  2. @Everyone freaking out about it

    Are you sure the rules are that they have to publically release for MANW? :confused:

    I wasn't sure on this question and I am still not sure, but all you guys seem to think (I assume) they have to publically release... is there something in the rules that says this?

    I know that this wont be on workshop obviously , so this must mean it would have to go on BI dropbox they setup for MANW.. hmm

  3. Great work on the armor, that stuff is aboslutley top notch.

    It would be good to see an Unmarked ucp uniform (and I guess a ocp one too) without the 1 cav symbol, just so we can make more generic missions.

    I also think a variant of the US uniforms with no flag on it would be good, that way it can be used more flexibly for scenarios (such as the ukraine war, where many wear UCP and ACU on both sides). (I assume both of those wouldnt be too hard because your not making anything new* I think *, just removing a photoshop layer or something and just re-whatevering the texture)

    Great model and texture work , especially on the arty cannons.

    Defintley looking forward to inventory icons at some point.

    Great release, thanks.

    (random cool uniform combo of the russian vest with radio, camofaces mod, and arma 3 vanilla civ worker uniform with PKP:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=332941467)

  4. You can rebind whatever you would like in the AGM menu, its a significantly "core" feature of the mod to be able to do this... if you didnt know that and you used AGM you might want to look at it again...

    So that means you shouldnt have to ( in theory) worry about keyconflicts from acre at all.. but I agree left windows is a "bad choice" for acre.

  5. Not really sure... It depends how they are able to "link this back" to you...

    I am sorry that you are put in such a dilemma, and from what you said they may be willing to stoop to as low as harassment...

    Yeah I can see your concern, well I would recommend you try to do it as anomalously as you can...

    Maybe some other forum users are willing to help you out here... Not sure what can be done :confused:

  6. They cant trace you through your forum post, they arent NSA agents lol.

    Unless you DDOS them from your comptuer (Like that fellow did, DDOS is sending a spam of pings which reveals your IP 3000 times a second) your fine.

    They dont have acess to your IP through the BIstudio forums or anything, no need to worry about their "keyboard warrior mafia", if you log on their A3L forums... that is a different story.

    And what are they going to say "some relative of yours has been speaking negativley about our server on a video game" ... really though.

  7. Takus, if there is "endless evidence" lets compile it, congregating this info is the best way to get a solid base to present to BI what they are doing.

    Just remember that it doesnt come down to if they are bad people or whatever, its about the legality.

    (edit: dreamrebel can you show a picture? That way it can be "confirmed")

  8. I never said they dont steal work...

    It is stealing...they shouldnt be doing this stuff, but im not the person you need to prove it to, if they stole your pbo then report them to BI.. Sorry If I am being ignorant about how that works, but I wouldnt know how "reporting" them is done.

    Maybe all the people who have had their work stolen should made a thread of "proof" or something, to actually get them taken down. ( And who knows how many modders dont know their stuff was used)'

    (edit: May I suggest you show a side by side pic or something of your object and the one they supposedly claim to be theirs)

  9. @ OP and others

    I dont like all the life server stuff either, but here is the deal... either find evidence of this shit they are doing, or you cant affect them.

    If you want them taken down for whatever they are doing... find some evidence, get videos of what they are doing... proof , or nothing will be done.

    Though I dont doubt this very likley is happening (We all hear about it), in the eyes of the law and BI... its a baseless argument until that happens.
