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Posts posted by miketim

  1. FYI, not sure if this is intended but,

    you can littearly just hit your climb key as your reaching the top of the ladder, and if its the right distance youll go from ladder animation to the "pull up" one and it will actually work, and looks pretty good too...

    Seriously though, just hit the button before youve reached that "bad invisble space" and if your the correct distance this should happen

    (somehow it takes you off the ladder anim and just does it... it works)

  2. Really?

    On aia I used the ALICEs and they worked like quite fine, let me see If I can dig up the old screenshots, maybe your talking about a really specific one though


    (with a3 unit)

    IDK which ones are the chdzk backpacks, maybe you mean those big bulkly russian ones the guerillas had for engineers or something?

    Anyway legislator you did the taki civ stuff for CUP if I remember, they dont have that same glitch as CAF agressors where the hand is disconnected from the arm right?

    Anyways good luck and I look forward to CUP

  3. Is CUP gonna have the backpacks from a2?

    I remember using backpacks in a3 from all in arma and they seemed pretty functonal, at least they appeared on the guys back, so I figure its not horrible to do right?

    Anyway I was thinking, if your doing backpacks, maybe you could ask permission from the author of whoever made all those ACR backpack retextures for ACE to use those in CUP.

  4. The sheer amount of life servers actually seems to make the other servers take longer to appear lol, but... I am pretty sure honestly there was already a whole thread about like bad server browser and why its flooded with life servers etc

    But I do agree, yesterday I looked on the browser and only saw 2 "milsim" servers, which had a whopping total of 6 people on them.

    Anyway if your concerned for the new players, try to convince some to play a coop with you or something, maybe they will enjoy it etc

  5. What? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    What PAAs do you specifically want? They are all in seperate PBOs...

    Never heard of any map_data folder, especially one containing "all game paas"

    If you are speaking about the "Data" folder present in each PBO which contains the PAAs....

    By "map" what are you referring to?

  6. The walls with the stone "lattice" type deal on takistan, with the diamond shaped holes in rows, about a foot from the top... you can shoot/see through those, its detecting the bottom of that part as the hitbox thing to use instead of the "real" top ("it" being your mod, the guy climbs into the wall and glitches"
