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Everything posted by chypsa

  1. Is it possible to have a live, multiplayer mission which does include mods, such as TFAR, but still allows people without TFAR loaded to connect? Meaning: We want to enable people who have TFAR (or any other mod) to play with it, but allow people who don't to just connect and play the mission without the mod hassle, ie. public players who do not have the modset. Thanks for the replies.
  2. Hey Shay, I love the MCC goodness, but i have a bit of a problem. I'm trying to call a CAS mission from the MCC 4 interface. We use a lot of mods, such as RHS+RU, HLC, RH weps etc, so I won't name all of them. Normally I do this on dedicated servers, but it's the same if you do it through the editor: If I call any OPFOR or INDEPENDANT CAS version, say Su25 vs a BLUFOR RHS tank, it delivers the load perfectly and, at a minimum, disables the tank. Missiles and guns fire at the same spot and the tank is obliterated. The AAF jet isn't as effective, but it mostly delivers the load in the correct area. If I call any A10D Thunderbolt II, the default and only BLUFOR CAS jet, though, it fires the missiles some 150 meters infront of the target and then strafes the gun run some 30 meters behind the target, hitting nothing on the way. I've tested this behaviour on two dedicated servers, one TADST server (home-brewed) and the editor. So, does anyone please have any info on why it's doing that and what can I do to change it? Or, better, is there a way to consistently do it without the issues? Image of issue below.
  3. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    Quick question - ATrag is not allowing us to edit atmospheric conditions. It's the same for both of us - the button for temperature, bp and relative humidity does nothing. Is this an ACE problem or a mod-clash or something third? Some help would be appreciated.
  4. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    It seems to be working now. Patrols are present, vehicles are there, guards on roofs and Arsenal is available. Gonna play it through at some point :)
  5. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    Will do when I have the time. I'll report afterwards.
  6. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    Yea, I just checked all the updates for mods and loaded only the ones listed in the mission on a dedicated server and the same thing happened. The guy had no pants, the map was completely empty and there were no civilians at all. Maybe the OP just needs to update the mission and post a new download with the mods updated. Or something... Anyway, glad to clear that up... EDIT: He beat me to it :)
  7. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    I had all the mods loaded correctly and some extra. It's possible that the extra mods caused the issue. I did have all the mods from this list though and the extra ones were just regular stuff like ShackTac Hud, Blastcore, JSRS, TFR, STStamina, Cyprus PTH, which really shouldn't cause issues of that magnitude as they have nothing to do with the equipment. As I said, I created a few sniping missions myself and they also had some walking/sneaking/avoidance, no problem there. Problem is - there was nothing to sneak around. Literally, there was only one guy on the map, no civs at all and the guy was naked. As for the range od engagement, I've sat on 590m because there was nothing around the town to worry about. But, one thing I'd like to point out is that taking out an enemy at 700m really isn't that big of a deal in Arma, even with ACE ballistics. Would be if the weather was poor and the wind was stronger... 700 on sunny weather with mild wind, you can get away without using Kestrel or ATrag... All that said, I really apologize if the error was on our side. Maybe it was the matter of the server misbehaving or messing something up. I'll try and test it on a home-PC dedicated server and report back my findings.
  8. chypsa

    CO@02 The Shoot - MCN Hazar Kot

    This is without a doubt one of the laziest, most badly made missions I've ever seen. One enemy, 5 km of walking, the enemy had no pants and didn't respond to our shots, the engagement radius was 500-600m because it uses 7.62 bullets. Overall, not worth the effort to download the map, which begs the question - why the hell did you even use THAT map when you could've just used any of the readily available be it from a vanilla collection or All in Arma collection. Just being honest here as I also made a few sniper missions and trust me - it's obvious when someone just doesn't put in the effort. If this is your first mission (or you're generally new to the mission-making) then please accept my apologies for being harsh. Continue working and they will get better...
  9. Well, after some testing, I've determined that CMS doesn't work for Independent-Insurgent (RHS) and BLUFOR-FIA (vanilla). It does work for every other combination, be it vanilla or RHS on both sides, USA, CSAT or Russia. Gonna try and experiment some more. Maybe my friend Gunny finds some programming/scripting solution :) Until further notice...
  10. Thanks for the reply! We'll test the stuff with FIA and report back, but obviously it should work. I will report after testing. Thanks again.
  11. Hey guys, great work on the mod, however I did bump into a problem. When I play as Insurgent, I don't have access to the Medical System, or rather - I can open the window but it doesn't show any injuries, even when shot. I've tested it on Insurgent AI, then on an Insurgent player and within the same mission on a civilian. Civ works great, the rest doesn't. Then I modded my own CooP where I first noticed the issue and replaced all the playable units with BLUFOR instead of Insurgents and now the stuff works. Is this how it was meant to be, or a bug? Is there a workaround? Thanks for the replies.