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Everything posted by tazmania720

  1. tazmania720


    Is there a way to stop / clip / prevent / disable clutter to appear in a specific area, not using the mask? I have a lot of clutter popping up from under a concrete slab object and when I try to move the mask out, I get to a lot of unwanted texture on the edge of the slab. I would like to have grass up to the edge of the slab. http://imgur.com/YheIuF3 Thanks! (The extra words I used to search for and didn't find anything. Using them as key words for others to find this)
  2. tazmania720


    @Auss, How do I do that? Is that in the second tab of TB?
  3. tazmania720

    Inaccurate Terrain Builder

    I have noticed that the object placeholder in TB does not always match with how it looks in buldozer or in game. I almost always have to tweak things in buldozer.
  4. tazmania720


    Thanks! I'll look into this more.\
  5. tazmania720

    Mask painting issues

    Your layers.cfg is not setup correctly. Should look like this: http://pastebin.com/Ur5snFhN
  6. tazmania720

    tweak mask layer

    Got it! I was hoping for something easier, but figured that was the answer. Thanks!
  7. tazmania720

    tweak mask layer

    Good morning. What is the best way to tweak the mask layer? At this point I know I can make changes to my mask.png, and then inport the updated file to TB, but I am hoping there is a better way. Thanks.
  8. tazmania720

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    I tried the forgot password option a couple days ago and no email, spam or otherwise.
  9. tazmania720

    After Exporting WRP......

    download eliteness. It can be used to check all your files for errors.
  10. tazmania720

    After Exporting WRP......

    Tutorial 9 is the one you want to watch again. pboProject takes everything from your project folder, packs it up into a .pbo, and then you add it to your A3 directory (where you put all your other addons).
  11. tazmania720

    After Exporting WRP......

    This young mans videos are really good. I am well into my project because of him: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUiViqS-dLHruCtyGL_bHrYDgmgkNV2E5
  12. tazmania720

    90 degree roads?

    What would be the best way to make a sharp 90 degree turn with two roads? I have tried using two separate lines that are not connected and it looks horrible. Thanks.
  13. tazmania720

    90 degree roads?

    Thanks for the knowledge!!! I had a feeling that was going to be the answer, but I was being hopeful. NOW, what if someone were to make a "T", "+", or 90deg .p3d? Do you think the software would support such an option?
  14. tazmania720

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Please keep us posted on the answer Volla. Thanks!
  15. tazmania720

    RoadsLib.cfg question

    That is the same info I was given on a different forum. Thanks! Now, how about the map line? I have main road, road, track. I"m guessing this is what visual line you see on the game map, however are there others?
  16. tazmania720


    I am working on making a terrain that has multiple waterways and inlets, however the bridges that are part of the game do not work for my need; not long enough and tall enough. Are there any other options that may be usefull? I have found something from Killzone Kid but I can't figure out how to make it work. The idea for the terrain is coastal/brown water warfare, so being able to use the small boats from the game would be ideal. Thanks!
  17. I know that I can left click and roll my mouse wheel to raise/lower an object. I know can left click and use page up/down to do to this too. What I need to know is how can I make smaller adjustments? OR how do I connect two of the same object together so they are even. The other two way move things up/down a little to much. Thanks.
  18. tazmania720

    adjusting object height in TB

    Exactly what I was looking for right now. Thanks!!! I have played with Xcam a bit too and that will definitely be used once I get my heighfield and roads tweaked.
  19. tazmania720

    adjusting object height in TB

    Thank you all!!!
  20. tazmania720

    AppleGate Community Project WIP

    None of the links on the first page are working. Thanks.
  21. tazmania720


    Thank you for that Auss!!! I put the bridge I want in TB, saved and packed. When I test it in Arma, I got a warning during startup that I need addon "bridges" and they don't appear in the game. I tried again with @jbad running and it went away and everything looked great in game. Is there a way to add objects and not have the original addon running?
  22. tazmania720


    So here is where I stand. I have used ExtractPBO on Jbad_Structures, moved the folder into my P:\a3 folder, and placed a bridge in TB. It looks likes this: http://imgur.com/NJshpnO No texture. Thoughts? Thanks!
  23. I can't figure this out. How do I join the map/terrain channel? I have skype on my laptop. Thanks!
  24. tazmania720


    Thanks 19th!!!
  25. tazmania720


    Thank you all for the responses! 1para{god-father} how would I do the extraction? I have a P drive set up and can see all the vanilla stuff. Auss, where would I find those files?