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About bspendlove

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. bspendlove

    2nd Battalion 7th Marines [Realism]

    Aviation Training has been discussed over the past 2 months and was in the first stages of planning. Varies of Aviation Documents written by myself have been released for the public to get an idea of how Aviation works in 2/7. Most documents will be re-edited and updated in the future, but we have accepted 2 members who have been with us for awhile for testing the Aviation Training. Minimum Ranks for Aviation MOS's will become in affect in the future, here are a few documents/topics that were specifically made for the Aviation Students: Aviation MOS's in 2/7 Student Naval Aviator (SNA) - Training Program Information Rotary/Fixed Wing used in 2/7 Flight School Document (Being worked on then transferring to the Forums) Student Flight Records (Hoping this will be filled up by next year! :D) MOS Training Codes for 2/7 Please excuse if I have made any mistakes with how the real world works, I have researched a little on the USMC and attempted to arrange it better for myself. -B.Spendlove Please remember, Aviation Students will need to go through Basic Training, and have a discussion with their Team Leader if they are experienced enough on the ground. If we have enough Aviation Students/Pilots, you will be contacted once we have a position. Request for Aviation will come on a first served.
  2. bspendlove

    addWaypoint to multiple Groups

    I should sleep more often and not go to bed at 6am, I get so tired during the day... Thank you lol
  3. Hello! another question yet again! :lol: Creating a unit from a trigger using: if (triggeractivated encounter2) then { _shootingRange = getMarkerPos "shooting_range"; blah blah blaah etc... }; 2 groups: _group1 = createGroup EAST; //Enemy 1 IF 2 enemies are in 1 group, they regroup on eachother, any way to stop this without disableAI? _group2 = createGroup EAST; //Enemy 2 _allGroups = units _group1 + units _group2; This works perfectly: _waypointPos = _group1 addWaypoint [[_shootingRange select 0, _shootingRange select 1, 0],0]; _waypointPos setWaypointType "MOVE"; I guess I can't do: _waypointPos = _allGroups addWaypoint [[_shootingRange select 0, _shootingRange select 1, 0],0]; ?? :P Many thanks, Brandon EDIT: I would create just 1 group for 2 enemies, but they instantly get together and cry... Is their a way to break to formation so they can be as far apart as they want without crying/missing each other?
  4. bspendlove

    Check if Aircraft is Stalling

    Damn, very nice work! This is really interesting to work with, I can't thank you enough. I see what you mean about going past the required speed to lift off (including landing). I guess I can let my pilots off until they start stalling below 150 xD It may take me a long while to edit it to what I have in my head, but I have nothing else to do for awhile :D Thank you
  5. Hello! I have been having a look over at: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/HUD#Available_Conditions: and had noticed "stall". Would I be able to use this to tell everyone in the server that someone is stalling? (Mainly for 2-3 players in Aviation Training) something on the lines of: _player = player; _veh = vehicle; while (_player _veh is stalling) { //Hint to all players someone is stalling their aircraft... }; or would I have to use something like: condition = "stall"..... OR I am guessing I would have to do a bit more work and calculate it by values like speed/angle etc.. What kind of lines would I be looking at ? :D
  6. I remember I used to create additional files for my map addons in Arma 2 OA so the mission.sqm did not get cramp up all the time. When I used to make separate files for the bases in Arma 2 OA: if (isServer) then { _vehicle_0 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Fence_corrugated_plate", [2191.1504, 6259.3984, 0.21464808], [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle_0 = _this; _this setDir -46.031673; _this setPos [2191.1504, 6259.3984, 0.21464808]; }; }; ARMA 3: class Item0 { position[]={2776.8301,0.218246,1721.21}; azimut=359.86301; offsetY=0.0051269499; id=70; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="Land_BagFence_Long_F"; skill=0.60000002; init="this allowDamage false;"; }; etc.. Can you still create an additional file in a similar format as above or would I just use createVehicle again in Arma 3?....
  7. bspendlove

    Select from Array

    OK now that is much better :) Before I continue to add all the directions into an Array, would a similar format work for setting each direction?
  8. bspendlove

    Select from Array

    I can't thank you enough. You've been extremely helpful, much easier :D
  9. bspendlove

    Select from Array

    Many thanks, all working. :) SOLVED Edit- Does anyone have a suggestion what I could look into to make it a bit neater/what method I should use to create my Checkpoints instead of doing: (or is this fine? I guess it would be more effective to just create a few, and move them upon entering a checkpoint?) _checkpoint1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_posArray select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _checkpoint2 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_posArray select 1,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _checkpoint3 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",.........etc _checkpoint4 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",.........etc _checkpoint5 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",.........etc Etc...? Also if anyone could answer me, after setting the direction of the markers, I've heard it is useful to do something like: _checkpoint1 setPos getPos _checkpoint1; I've been having problems involving with the checkpoints not setting direction for other players for about 15 seconds, then it sets properly... like it doesn't Sync with all the other clients, maybe I just need to learn and read more :D Thank you a ton for everyone's help. It is much appreciated !
  10. bspendlove

    Select from Array

    _noeStart = noe_notice_student; _reportBack = getMarkerPos "report_back_location"; private ["_posArray"]; _posArray = [[2903.08,6022.17,6.77022],[3025.04,5973.28,10.5211]]; fnc_create_noe = { { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects [position player,["Sign_Circle_F"], 4000]; titlecut ["Helicopter Checkpoint Training","BLACK IN",10]; titlecut ["","BLACK out",3]; sleep 0.2; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects [position player,["B_Heli_Light_01_F"], 5]; _spawnStudentHelicopter = createVehicle ["B_Heli_Light_01_F", getMarkerPos "course_01_spawn",[],0,"FLY"]; _spawnStudentHelicopter setDir 123; player moveInDriver _spawnStudentHelicopter; titlecut ["Helicopter Checkpoint Training","BLACK IN",10]; sleep 0.6; //Checkpoints _checkpoint1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_posArray select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _checkpoint2 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_posArray select 1,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _checkpoint1 setDir 122; _checkpoint2 setDir 107; //Checkpoint Scores (Resets to 0 everytime the script has ran...) _1cP = 0; _spawnStudentHelicopter addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>RTB</t>",{call fnc_clean;},[-1],12]; sleep 2; while {true} do { _countCheckpoints = count nearestObjects [player, ["Sign_Circle_F"], 15]; if (_countCheckpoints > 0) then { playSound "soundCheckpoint"; _1cP = _1cP + 1; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects [player ,["Sign_Circle_F"], 35]; hint format["%1 / 27 Checkpoints Passed", _1cP]; sleep 2; hint ""; }; }; }; _noeStart addaction ["<t color='#00FFFF'>NOE Course 1</t>",{call fnc_create_noe;}];
  11. bspendlove

    Select from Array

    Hmm, strange.. I tried what you put seba, but no luck. Not creating the checkpoint using the: _posArray select 0
  12. Hello! I am just having some issues with such code, need someone else's eyes to tell me what I am doing wrong! xD _posArray = [[2903.08,6022.17,6.77022],[3025.04,5973.28,10.5211]]; checkpoint1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",[_posArray select 0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; //Also tried: createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_posArray select 0,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; I was inputting all the co-ordinates for my checkpoints like such: checkpoint3 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",[3114.27,5916.77,7.38084],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; But I feel having the co-ordinates in an array would be much neater. I've tried: _posArray = [[2903.08,6022.17,6.77022],[3025.04,5973.28,10.5211]]; _pos1 = _posArray select 0; // I've also tried _pos1 = [_posArray select 0]; checkpoint1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",_pos1,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
  13. bspendlove

    2nd Battalion 7th Marines [Realism]

    We have changed over our Dedicated Box, our new Teamspeak IP is:
  14. bspendlove

    Drawing a circle checkpoint...

    Ok, I sort of got what I wanted :D while {true} do { _countCheckpoints = count nearestObjects [player, ["Sign_Circle_F"], 18]; if (_countCheckpoints > 0) then { cP = cP + 1; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects [player ,["Sign_Circle_F"], 35]; hint format["%1 / 8 Checkpoints", cP]; sleep 1.6; hint ""; }; }; So this effectively deletes the Checkpoints for my Helicopter Course... How about: Show checkpoint 1 (no others)... Once I have entered Checkpoint 1, show checkpoint 2... etc......?
  15. bspendlove

    Drawing a circle checkpoint...

    :D I finally got the chance to go ahead and try as I've been extremely busy with other stuff. Got it working with: while {true} do { if ((player distance (getPos checkpoint1)) <= 8) exitWith { deleteVehicle checkpoint1; _cPass = _cP +1; hint format["%1 / 8 Checkpoints",_cPass]; sleep 3; hint ""; }; }; Although I may take a different approach (and much neater when I figure it out!) checkpoint1 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",[2903.08,6022.17,6.77022],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; checkpoint2 = createVehicle ["Sign_Circle_F",[3025.04,5973.28,10.5211],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; checkpoint1 setDir 122; checkpoint2 setDir 107; sleep 2; while {true} do { if ((player distance (getPos checkpoint1)) <= 8) exitWith { deleteVehicle checkpoint1; _cPass = _cP +1; hint format["%1 / 8 Checkpoints",_cPass]; sleep 3; hint ""; }; }; Could I create something like... (How would I approach something like this below... It wouldn't work of course! xD but it may give an idea what I want to do) checkpoints = [checkpoint1, checkpoint2, checkpoint3, checkpoint4] ^^ These will be the Checkpoint locations? Then something like... (player distance (getPos checkpoints)) <= 8 ^^ Instead of selecting each checkpoint, how could create this IF statement to effect ALL the checkpoints?