Hello guys,
Here is my problem, i just write the code bellow to definitly kill a person when he is unconcious. It works well but i have a little problem. The action kill player (in french it's "achever" or "achever la personne") appear, even if i'm far from the body i want to kill ! I don't understand, because i used the same instruction as revive player (which works well).
There is the code :
from FAR_revive_funcs :
player addAction ["<t color=""#C90000"">" + "Achever la personne" + "</t>", "FAR_revive\FAR_handleAction.sqf", ["action_achever"], 10, false, true, "", "call FAR_Check_achever"];
FAR_HandleAchever =
_target= _this select 0;
if(alive _target) then
player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
sleep 6;
_target setDamage 1;
FAR_Check_achever =
private["_target", "_isTargetUnconscious", "_isDragged"];
_return = false;
if( !alive player || _isPlayerUnconscious == 1 || FAR_isDragging || isNil "_target" || !alive _target || (!isPlayer _target && !FAR_Debugging) || (_target distance player) > 2 ) exitWith
_isTargetUnconscious = _target getVariable "FAR_isUnconscious";
_isDragged = _target getVariable "FAR_isDragged";
if (_isTargetUnconscious == 1 && _isDragged == 0 && ((currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player) || (currentWeapon player == handgunWeapon player)) && (currentWeapon player != "")) then
_return = true;
From : FAR_handleAction :
if (_action == "action_achever") then
[cursorTarget] spawn FAR_HandleAchever;
I hope you can help me ! And thanks Farooq, for the great job !! (sorry for bad english)