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About cfx

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    Private First Class
  1. Just wanna report that the PWS issue has been fixed as a result of the request in the Addition/Update thread. It's missing the Mi24 as a dependency atm, but nothing unnecessary will be downloaded anymore. Hooray! Edit: Mi24 has been added as dependency upon request. Everything is perfectly fine now.
  2. There was actually a post under the problem section which I now replied to. https://getsatisfaction.com/withsix/topics/arma-3-mec-required-addons-list I might however leave a comment in the update/addition thread, maybe that gets attention a little faster. Edit: Done. And now we wait :)
  3. Drongo, I am sorry if this has already been discussed but I ran into the following problem: On playwithSIX MEC has dependencies with @RDS_StaticW_CAG instead of the normal RDS_Static aswell as Massi's Weapon Pack. @RDS_StaticW_CAG is furthermore dependent on CAG. The automatic dependency-download of pwS thus loads Massi's pack and CAG (each several hundred MB) which afaik are not necessary. I could not yet figure out how to bypass this without removing MEC from my collection and load it manually from Armaholic. Would it be possible for you to correct the dependencies on pwS? Edit: corrected information
  4. That is absolutely brilliant! Is it MP compatible?
  5. Looks very nice! Also, the .50 Beowulf would be a very cool and enriching addition to an AR15-family-mod. Just saying :D (Please.)
  6. I asked that in the thread for the old ME Irregulars mod as it has the same issue. It is most likely related to recent changes BIS made to the uniforms and respective scripting commands. Drongo said he was working on an update for MEC.
  7. cfx

    Middle East Irregulars

    Hi there, since the 1.22 Patch to main branch, the uniforms no longer change and stay as AAF. Probably related to the enforced uniform-restrictions and the introduction of forceAddUniform. Hotfix or update inc? :)
  8. That's great to hear! Thank you for your attention and efforts. I'll be looking forward to the updates, whenever you find the time.
  9. Haha, I dunno. I just googled "pmc eod" which came up with at least one company offering EOD services. Anyways, it would be nice for the game, since explosives (trip wire mines by insurgents?) are a thing in ArmA. Also, some of your operators have explosives and one wrong click results in an exp charge set. Would be good to be able to retake it. After all, it's your mod though, so who am I to question your vision ;D But you might consider the usefulness on a gameplay level.
  10. Hey, thanks for replying. With the soldier types in A3 it is actually as following: Repair Specialist: CAN rapair, CAN NOT defuse. Explosive Specialist: CAN NOT repair, CAN defuse. Engineer: CAN rapair, CAN defuse. Thus, if you used the Rep Spec as base class, that is probably the reason for this. I also just tested every unit from the mod again. I may be missing something but I think none of the units can defuse explosives. The field technician can, as expected, repair broken vehicles. But that's it. As I said, there might be a mistake on my side but is this intended?
  11. Hey there, is the field technician supposed to be not able to defuse anything - because I guess this could not be the case. I'm having this issue and he can not even deactivate or pick up his own explosive charges. This is really the only thing keeping me from using this mod for creating missions. Had a similar idea of a campaign with an evolving PMC like someone else in this thread. But with this issue, sadly, PG Services is unusable for me. I would love to be able to solve this issue.