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About wusker

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  1. 173rd Airborne Brigade is a Milsim unit with well over 100 members active in both ArmA2 & ArmA3. We have active duty military personnel and former 173rd unit members along with other branches of the U.S military, that currently play with us. We have members from 15 years old to in their 50's, from a variety of countries. We are always looking for more dedicated and enthusiastic new members! We have 4 full platoons not including our support sections of Recon, Mortar/Artillery, and Aviation as relates to the Army. As a Milsim unit we play the ArmA series but as friends we play many things including DayZ, Warthunder, and many more steam games. If you'd like to, join our Teamspeak and come play Tactical Realism Insurgency on our public servers! You can also sign up and fill out an application on our forums! http://173rd.us/forum/recruiting-retentions/enlistment-applications/81-doe-john-enlistment-application-template Once your application is complete get in our TS and join the "Request a Recruiter" channel to ask any final questions and become a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade! 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team T.S ip 173.teamspeak3.com:6730. 2LT J.Wusk 2nd Platoon 173rd Airborne Brigade
  2. Squad name: 173rd Airborne Brigade Timezone/location: CST, U.S.A. Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Milsim Contact email: Website address: http://173rd.us/ Short description: 173rd Airborne Brigade is a Milsim unit with well over 100 members active in both ArmA2 & ArmA3. We have active duty military personnel and former 173rd unit members along with other branches of the U.S military, that currently play with us. We have members from 15 years old to in their 50's, from a variety of countries. We are always looking for more dedicated and enthusiastic new members! We have 4 full platoons not including our support sections of Recon, Mortar/Artillery, and Aviation as relates to the Army. As a Milsim unit we play the ArmA series but as friends we play many things including DayZ, Warthunder, and many more steam games. If you'd like to, join our Teamspeak and come play Tactical Realism Insurgency on our public servers! You can also sign up and fill out an application on our forums! http://173rd.us/forum/recruiting-retentions/enlistment-applications/81-doe-john-enlistment-application-template Once your application is complete get in our TS and join the "Request a Recruiter" channel to ask any final questions and become a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade! 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team T.S ip 173.teamspeak3.com:6730. 2LT J.Wusk 2nd Platoon 173rd Airborne Brigade Language: English