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Everything posted by epicgoldenwarrior

  1. epicgoldenwarrior

    Request - Carry Script

    Actually he wasnt playing anim because he was dead *_* but, shouldnt setdir and attachto make it perfect? The actions are timed perfectly, but it looks like I'm doing a raindance until he is on my back.
  2. epicgoldenwarrior

    Request - Carry Script

    *bump* Uh maybe someone knows some better attachTo values to use in this scenario?
  3. I didnt necessarily read entire thing but I'm not sure you can setpos from a marker to a marker? At least thats not what I've heard, I'm likely 70% wrong. But, if you want to try it, use an invisible helipad instead of invisible markers. :S
  4. epicgoldenwarrior

    Request - Carry Script

    Um, for some reason the target isnt playing anim...so, it looks weird. EDIT: The guy's height was 100m so he was dead when I got there, and dead units cant switchmove. So it works now. Only issue I have (which this is actually working better than revive scripts) is that they arent ...synced together. Ex. I face opposite direction lifting him, yet when he is on my back it works perfect. When I take him off, he floats off other direction. By the way, my idea fixed the walk problem :)
  5. epicgoldenwarrior

    Request - Carry Script

    I suppose I could add sleep 10; _caller switchMove ""; at the end. I would assume that could at least reset it fine. Thanks for your help, will test it out in a bit.
  6. epicgoldenwarrior

    Request - Carry Script

    Multiplayer, I guess you could post most of it to help others out but that's all I've got for now.
  7. Pilots have smgs so if you do it this way, you could lock it. There are other ways tho.
  8. Take the text from script.sqf and write it again, and change the number to the appropriate one so helmet cannot be taken off.
  9. Magazine attachTo ["table",[0,0,0]]; may or may not need ", and you'll need to fiddle with numbers.
  10. epicgoldenwarrior

    hide body script

    I was actually gonna mention the exact thing you want to do. Im out atm, I'll let someone else take care of it tho :P
  11. Yea, but it would make his life 1000x easier. I mean, I didn't necessarily read the entire script, but I'm sure you dont need to have 2000 mg rounds (of course it depends on his mission) So, if he doesnt want to go through all of it, he can fall back on that.
  12. I remember there being a script which saves nearly everything, I don't remember the name though. It was somewhat recent…
  13. I'm pretty sure you could just click on the vehicle and change the ammo bar so its not all the way up, right? :P
  14. epicgoldenwarrior

    Realistic counts for armies?

    Since they respawn, I'd have ~60 each side and have sectors so they meet up there, unless you're doing block by block conquest :S
  15. epicgoldenwarrior

    Make units dissapear

    xD yea you forgot dude, we respawn! :P
  16. epicgoldenwarrior

    Make units dissapear

    hideObject would leave them still in vehicle, taking up the spot, but invisible. Otherwise, you could use deleteVehicle, or as IPete said, enableSimulation, but that wouldnt look as good. :P
  17. epicgoldenwarrior

    Loadout script not working

    gotcha, will check it out, thanks
  18. Seems to work for blufor, doesnt give opfor any weapons though, why?: waitUntil {!isNull player}; _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removeallcontainers _unit; _unit unassignitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _unit adduniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_1"; _unit addvest "V_Chestrig_blk"; _unit addheadgear "H_Watchcap_blk"; _unit addmagazines ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 5]; _unit addmagazines [""9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 3]; _unit addweapon "SMG_02_ACO_F"; _unit addweapon "hgun_ACPC2_F"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO_grn"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit additem "FirstAidKit"; if(true) exitWith{}; this is activated via eventhandler, and it works but weapons dont come up. Why?
  19. epicgoldenwarrior

    Loadout script not working

    Wow, it worked. Sometimes I hate things like this. Ty very much. Wth.
  20. epicgoldenwarrior

    Loadout script not working

    Good point. But that shouldnt effect the addweapon.
  21. epicgoldenwarrior

    Bulletproof wheele?

    Lol Dreaded, you came up with the code :P ty F2k Will test How about question #2? I don't get why it wouldnt work. edit: found alternate solution
  22. epicgoldenwarrior

    Bulletproof wheele?

    No time just tell For 6 vehicles Multiplayer ---------- Post added at 23:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:59 ---------- Also, I have triggers that are attachTo vehicles, and I have this in init: this addEventHandler ["Respawn","this execVM 'sectors.sqf'"]; Sectors.sqf: Markername attachTo [carname,[0,0,0]]; But its not attaching to unless I do it manually.