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Everything posted by Nailpolish

  1. http://pastebin.com/qTeMGpQ2 How the hell do I get this script to repeat every thirty seconds on a dedicated server?
  2. There's nothing vague about my question, what I want it to do when active isn't relevant at this point, just how to get it to activate/deactivate when wanted.
  3. I want to create a mod that activates whenever a player gets in a vehicle of a specified type (landvehicle for example) and disables upon disembarkment. My initial thinking is this would be achieved through use of eventhandlers but I've never used any before. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. Didn't find the error but I did discover a way to make this bullshit work. firing the script through the init would not work placing down a trigger and firing it from there did bohemia's incompetence knows no bounds
  5. The pastebin is the whole script, and how the hell isn't it executing it on the server if it's within a while {isserver} loop?
  6. I want to make a mod as in a pbo that when loaded checks if I enter a vehicle of a specific type and if I'm in that specific vehicle type it does something and is then disabled when I step out of the vehicle
  7. they're 20m away from each other, yes the script is launched. like I said, this works great but only on localhost and it's giving me no errors that I can see
  8. And how do I use that? I've never had any need for an eventhandler before, a simple how-to would be great
  9. The whole script is in the pastebin of the OP And the debugging tutorial doesn't help me at all. Obviously I'm dealing with a locality issue, but it's only a problem here and not anywhere else where I use similair functions or syntax to do pretty much the exact same thing. Here's the mission: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8ox4ppp0ai3wu61/StopGap01.altis.pbo
  10. I have script errors enabled, it is throwing no errors. So how am I supposed to know what's wrong with it?
  11. Doesn't fucking work there's something about the script and specifically about the script that stops it from spawning any aircraft on anything but a local host. thanks bohemia
  12. no dice the script won't work on a dedicated server
  13. Already tried both of those, neither worked on a dedicated server
  14. Nailpolish

    Increase vehicleammo?

    I may have been getting the class names wrong for the magazines, it's working now.
  15. I know of the setvehicleammo command but how would I go about increasing the vehicle ammo by let's say 0.2 when a trigger activates?
  16. Nailpolish

    Increase vehicleammo?

    Been trying to get this work but so far no luck
  17. How do I set up an event handler or trigger to spawn a bomb on any player entering the area of a trigger or marker?
  18. and if I want the trigger to only activate for ground vehicles (mraps and the like) and not aircraft, how can I do that?
  19. That's neat and all but how do I accomplish the same with the bomb command?` and I know how to use foreach with arrays but how does it work with triggers? Please explain more in depth
  20. I have a randomly spawning ai garrison that I also want to spawn one of those big watchtowers near. http://pastebin.com/JuJnPPbn The hq building itself is a pre-placed object in the editor and the script I have checks to see if one out of a couple different triggers is close enough to the main spawn point for it to move there. This is the exact same script line for line as I have for another pre-placed object (also a building) that also gets sent to the AO, but for some reason it not only doesn't work here but seems to crash me frequently. What the bloody hell is going on? Is it that houses have their own setpos commands? I really don't get this issue ---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ---------- Well apparently that's my issue. Any way to work around it?
  21. So here's my problem, I'm making a multiplayer mission in which a couple vehicles are spawned after the mission starts, then there's an ai dude that has an action on him that makes him get in the nearest vehicle out of a handful in an array, some of them being the spawned vehicles. This all works fine in the preview of course but not on dedicated, where all the spawned vehicles return an undefined variable. How do I get the server to broadcast to all clients that vehicles x, y and z have specific names?
  22. I thought I would be able to force a script to be executed on all machines through use of bis_fnc_mp even inside an if (isserver) then {}; bracket but apparently that doesn't work? Why not? What would be a solution?
  23. Nailpolish

    Boat insertion

    Certainly sounds like a bug, there should be no ai occupants in empty vehicles. Suggest you check the feedback tracker
  24. Nailpolish

    Any ideas why this won't work?

    Is task8 defined?