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  1. vad


    No one setting will please everyone, we need easy to switch stamina profiles. Here are some brainstorm idea's, thinking of a model to more realistically imitates stamina (a single linear bar doesn't cut it) , lets keep the conversation constructive. Need easier way to implement stamina 'profiles' in World Editor. Deep Stamina. Stamina that drains over 20min-4hours. Think about how an unladen fresh soldier can run up hills non-stop for 10min, but a tired soldier could only run up hills for 30 seconds. In addition units have a reserve 'oh shit jump in the ditch' reserve energy. Also for the people who love realism (100m sprint being exact) then daily energy levels is apt. Think about when your on your daily 2 hour run, you get a second 'wind' and can sprint for 2min after running for 30min. Or after some medium marching/effort, suddenly there is 5min of intense fighting that you would be at full sprint/energy level. A simple sprint bar doesn't capture this energy level/reserve. People can argue all day about how fit a soldier should be, but the choice of how fit should be some easy GUI sliders, we could even do 1:1 modeling on distance/weight of different fitness groups for presets. eg presets: 1. Sick Lukemia Patient. Winded after running 20m. 500 Calorie limit. 100 reserve. 2. Sedentary Programmer. Winded after running 50m. 1000 Calorie limit. 1000 reserve. 3. Fat Civilian. Winded after running 100m. 2000 Calorie limit. 1500 reserve. 4. Pog Soldier. Winded after running 200m. 3000 Calorie limit. 1500 reserve. 5. Healthy Civilian. Winded after running 400m. 3000 Calorie limit. 2000 reserve. 6. Regular Soldier. Winded after running 2k. 3500 Calorie limit (MRE). 2500 reserve. 7. Athlete Strong. Weight Penalty decreased. 3500 Calorie limit. 2500 reserve. 8. Athlete Endurance. Can run marathon. 4000 Calorie limit. 4000 reserve. 9. Special Forces. Middle ground of strong/endurance. 5000 Calorie limit. 3000 reserve. 0. Disabled. From 100%-20% your stomach calories are burned, at 20-0% your fat reserves are burned. Overall Calories (metabolism). 100%-80%. Fresh, Long Stamina, Running for days, sharp sway 80%-50%. Regular 50%-20%. Hungry, less sharp, slight more sway 20%-5%. Tired, Hungry 5%-1% Very Tired. Slugish, but can jog with no weight, 3 seconds of reserve sprint. 0% Exhusted. One foot in front of other, (disabled on modes requiring a lot of running overland) Food tops up daily calories but reserve needs sleep to top up. Base Drain speed = (1/4 * Calorie limit)/day Weight drains calories faster, sprint multiplies drain. Natural adrenaline and shock training. Being shot at increase adrenaline (divided by training level). High adrenaline increases fatigue rate but also holds stamina high. Connected to tunability of momentum and have multiple profiles for that, so we could actually model every other game and have presets for non copyrighted movement systems. Run speeds modeled Dash, Fast Run, Paced Run, Jog, Walk Double Sprint (Dash), for getting behind cover/diving into ditches, weight heavliy effects this ability. Regualr sprint is too slow to capture what a soldier diving out of the way would look like. 0s-6s depending on fitness, could also tie to diving/rolling/jumping fences. Fast Run (shift-w) is max speed/weight, Paced Run (w) is winding limit at avarage running pace, jog is slow run (no quick stamina penalty/ mouse wheel to slow down), walk (alt-w) role playing. Auto run key (for the RSI) Situation to avoid: Running across map for 20min when character can only walk slow. Sprinting for 30min with 50KG on back. So yeah, in the end we could be able to easily configure to whatever the people want, and having the options in vanilla makes a big difference.
  2. Just a small 1km x 1km to test the new features, Can only work on it for an hour or two before I get motion sickness, I think its accidentally changing the speed when I'm trying to zoom that disorientates my anticipations of movement. Currently fixing satmap then ill do more clutter.
  3. thanks @RoF , i did manage to get some of my bridges pitched in buldozer but the onramps are giving me hell, the only bridges that seem to work well with pathing are completely level with the ground at both sides (even with blue dots all connecting) so im just gonna carve up the land a bit. Shame to get rid of this:
  4. On saving objects with pitch and bank values so you can put them into terrain builder without having to use buldozer. It seems xCam uses the objects own axis x,y,z, and terrain builder uses x,y,z related to the map . Actually looking at an older map i built it seems xcam did fine exporting the pitch and bank to terrain builder, maybe it was the eden update that broke it... //export mission gives: position[]={9497.59668,3.13074,18012.675781};azimut=36;offsetY=3.13074;this setdir 36;this setposworld [9497.59668,18012.675781,15.5018];[this,3.367,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;}; //export script gives: _dat = ["Land_Bridge_Wood_F","[9497.59668,18012.675781,0]",36,15.5018,1,0,[],[3.367,0],1];call _cString; //with [_obj,((_dat select 7) select 0),((_dat select 7) select 1)] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; //export absolute gives (the format terrain builder likes): "woodrailbridge";209497.59375;18012.675781;36;0;0;1;11.7561 //notice the 0:0:1 meaning no pitch value //maybe useful; set exact yaw, pitch, and roll _y = 45; _p = -80; _r = 0; BRICK setVectorDirAndUp [ [ sin _y * cos _p,cos _y * cos _p,sin _p], [ [ sin _r,-sin _p,cos _r * cos _p],-_y] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D ]; //or copyToClipboard str [vectorDir (get3DENSelected "" select 0 select 0), vectorUp (get3DENSelected"" select 0 select 0)]; only half a clue really, and no clue how to include that into xcam's export function. So you turn an object by 45deg and rotate it by 3deg on its x axis. Inside terrain builder the object will now have rotation on both x and y (the same rotation cause its 45deg im guessing). So the script needs take the xyz of xcam and translate it to xyz of terrain builder. Trigonometry.
  5. 2 problems: 1. How to get bridges to show up on the map, like they do in Tanoa. >in the .p3d i added a named property, map=main road 2. I've made bridge segments, they are in the map and all is working except AI wont use them (pathing). Ive tried creating path LOD, also tried invisible path on top of the objects. If someone could point me at a working p3d example or any tips id be grapefruit. >in the p3d i added a named property class = road on the geometry LOD
  6. // scenario setup, I have a Linguist, only he will get the addAction from an informant, but won't give up the information if the interrogator is not present. Linguist class: B_Story_Protagonist_F Interrogator class: B_CTRG_soldier_GL_LAT_F on the target: nul = [this]execVM "Interview.sqf"; Interview.sqf: _target = (_this select 0); _target addAction [ "<t color='#00ff00'>Ask Questions</t>", "lingmsg.sqf", [], 1.5, true, true, "", "(alive target1) && (typeOf player) in ['B_Story_Protagonist_F']", 1.7 ]; this part works fine (though I'd like to change target1 to _target but this doesnt work so I just name each target) I can live with this part. lingmsg.sqf: OK figured it out: _ling = (_this select 1); _tar = (_this select 0); _ints = []; { if ((typeOf _x) in ['B_CTRG_soldier_GL_LAT_F']) then { _ints pushBack _x; }; } forEach playableUnits; _intsnear = false; { if ((_x distance _tar) <3) then { _intsnear = true; }; } forEach _ints; if ( _intsnear ) then { hint format ["OK, OK, I'll talk, theres a bomb factory at grid 014,023"] } else { hint format [ "Go away American"] }; if there's a cleaner way to do it I'm all ears
  7. batch file: @echo off set arma3=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 set IP=999.999.999.999 set PORT=9999 set PASSWORD=something set MODS=c:\arma_mods\@oldmod start "" "%arma3%\arma3launcher.exe" -noLauncher -useBE -window -skipintro -noLogs -noTexHeaders -noFilePatching -noSplash -world=empty -mod=%MODS% -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% -password=%PASSWORD% @exit This works fine for servers with mods that don't give errors like: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Iteminfo'. but with these kind of errors the game stalls at 'Arma 3' splash screen, you can press escape to return to the main menu then the error window pops up. from there I can go to multiplayer menu and join the server so the mods are loading. The Launcher seems to execute a parameter that gets around this and I want to know what it is, the error still shows but it joins the server I've tried arma3.exe 2 1 and arma3battleye.exe 2 1 and a bunch of other combinations like steam://rungameid/107410// -noLauncher -useBE and rearranging the parameters So is there a way to view exactly what the launcher is executing? ---- p.s. I'd love to use the vanilla launcher if it wasn't 7 clicks, retype password every time, stop launcher subscribing to newer version of mods and doesnt auto close (10fps drop). Single click bat file is way better for testers, plus can launch TS at same time.
  8. Just a mini blog about ways I found around some problems I ran into. Best heightmap from: http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ Plug that into QGIS: http://www.qgis.org The problem here is if you choose a part of the earth different to 31N (which TB is all about) then your nice square street grids are going to be warped, but I found a convoluted way around it. So make a nice square vector in qgis when youve got the right square street shapes for your location/CRS. Rip the raster heightmap and use that square shape as your template (also try to measure the area to be 20km across or whatever size your going for (20 has least probs). Then plug that into L3DT (free), edit it a bit if you like, then spit out an xyz file for TB (xyz works better than png). Sat image:(for USA) http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/ get all the smaller maps for your area, jp2 files, then stitch them together in geoviewer https://www.lizardtech.com/geoviewer-pro/overview then plug that into qgis for your sat image, set canvis crs in bottom right to your square template and raster>extration>clipper same as heightmap mask: http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/basic/ there is a shape file called, : National Land Cover Database (NLCD) Tiled Data Distribution SYstem (TDDS) will give you a good detailed mask, put it in qgis and edit all the values to correspond to your config or vise vera, also can add to L3DT but it changes all you custom color values which is annoying then in qgis you got your osm plugin, the pain here is the vector points get tied to the orginal gps and when you plug that into 31N its all skewed. what you want is a process called 'rubber sheeting' but the plugins seemed to be missing, I tried all the tricks with qgis but ended up with a small star shape in TB, anyway what you can do is clip the vector streets with your template square, then export it as a DFX file, (save the orginal .dbf file cause that gets screwed up and you can switch it out for the original), open the dfx in adobe illustrator (haven't tried equivalents) inside a already open 2048x2048 template (adjust accordingly) scale to page. Then export that back to DFX now its been wiped of gps data, and put it in qgis, set it's properties to 31N and it will remain square shaped. use affine transformation and scale x and y by 10 and easting to 200000. replace the .dbf file. ready for import to TB and it will match up exactly (hopefully) I skiped all the other info found in tutorials and wont respond to questions, just thought I'd share the workarounds I found in case like me you googled and couldnt find, maybe it'll help someone.
  9. Thanks for this mod, I got it up and running fine on my dedicated server, one question: Is there a way to remove the message "LOOKS LIKE TASK FORCE RADIO ADDON NOT ENABLED OR VERSION LESS THAN 0.8.1" for players that don't have the mod? I wish for this mod to be optional and don't want the teams who dont use it to be bothered with this message.