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About Quicktricky59

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  1. Hello Shay. Did you have a chance yet to look at those SQM's I posted? Just curious if they were of any use to you.
  2. Hello Shay. I wasn't sure if you wanted just the mission file related to the pics I posted or if you wanted a little more to work with. So I linked an sqm in which I built three shelves in the 2D editor. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2r2q9cbfep98zs3/mission.sqm If you would still rather have the other mission file I'll have to hunt it down. (might have deleted it because it was just a 3D vs. 2D test run) Anyway, I hope you find it useful. Oh one more thing. Is it normal that when objects are transferred to new SQM's they drop their scripts? Or rather I should say if I build part of a mission in 2D but the do further editing in MCC the complete export of all objects into a new SQM file seems to cause all the original objects to lose the scripts I had given them. Just wondering if that's an issue or simply how it goes? Another mission.sqm with only MCC placed objects https://www.dropbox.com/s/jyj3b42f9nqksnw/%5B1%5Dmission.sqm obviously just delete the "[1]" plus before and after screenshots http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595910305820948774/F0C15FF6051C29ACC4587193CFB9B52AD63FE2CA/ http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/595910305820953030/47ED765CD5D5092781B2D24E565FBB9309F027F4/
  3. So the changes made have helped a lot Shay. Almost everything I was having issues with, has been resolved. The only thing left is the shelf thing. The placement fix is working awesome but I'm still having the weird shifting once they are exported. I'm not bug reporting here and I don't expect you to burn a bunch of time on something as small as this but if it looks like an easy quick fix then cool, but if not don't worry about it I can just go back to building them oldschool; the height adjustment fix was good enough for me and I'm grateful you even bothered. So here are two images the laser pointers on the right shelf and objects on the ground in front of the left shelf were all done in 2D. The objects on the bottom of the left shelf were placed in MCC. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595910305709907026/8A37457316C0AC8D85A3091450AD36733053C7C9/ (547 kB) http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595910305709948529/F5C857A65F443F345D32CAE37E26E4F00C4A3441/ (558 kB)
  4. Uppercase AWESOME super cool amazing kick ass do a little dance and break down with a puddin' pop!
  5. So I took a few screenshots showing what is happening when I load a converted mission after I'm done editing in MCC. Everything on the shelves was lined up straight but somehow it all gets shifted and oddly enough some of the objects turn completely sideways. I just figured the info couldn't hurt. and I guess my image is broken..... awesome maybe this http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/595910236594383810/852AF2B4AEE89A6A6A5C9A045BA761D6B128EAFC/ (221 kB)
  6. It's close, and I'm really not trying to sound picky, but when placing objects/weapons on a desk of shelf there is still a noticeable space between the item placed and the surface of the item you’re placing it on. Also I found a few things that actually may be more my fault than an issue with your program. After arranging various objects and applying some of the pre-set scripts provided through MCC I export the data into an SQM. When I load that mission, for some reason a lot of the items get moved. Shelves will be shifted or will have vanished all together, and objects will be several feet from where I actually placed them but they will still be floating in the air at the SetPos I had given them. But all of those things are easily fixed with a few quick clicks. But the height adjustment thing is important to me because it is rather impossible to set multiple objects on multiple stacked layers of shelving in the 2D editor. Perhaps if there was a line I could modify to fine tune the adjustment that would be very cool. On a side note, I like that you have added Zeus support to MCC but imo your program makes Zeus look like a turd. BI really should be talking to you about how to do it right. Anyway, I appreciate your responding to my question.
  7. I am trying to do some pre-build templates for various areas of my mission/maps. Mainly object loaded shelves and desks along with object populated buildings. The only real issue I am having is the elevation adjustment speed. I can never seem to get anything to look like it is sitting on a surface; especially shelf units. I tried using the key function to slow down the movement which someone told me was Alt+scroll but for me it seems to be “press shift once†and then scroll. I really dig the ease of use that MCC comes with as well as all of the rather intuitive features. Now if I could just merge MCC’s save functions and features with FreeDee’s precision, I would be one happy camper. I was hoping that I am just missing a key function that someone might know of so that I can get my project rolling again. Thanks in advance.