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About Tasty

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  1. Tasty

    Dsync 100000 after update 1.26

    I and others experiencing this on my dedicated server and a few other servers. However, not on all servers. Is there a way to "verify local file cache" on the server side lest a complete re-install?
  2. Tasty

    Arma 3 Cheating / hacking / Exploiting.

    I killed a player on Altis near a gun store at Kalava. I can't recall the server (been a few days). I ran forward, picked up the gear and money. Jumped into a vehicle and drove north towards a general store (was in need of water and food). When I got to Oreokastro I ditched the vehicle and started to make my way around town to clear it. My hydration was low again and that's when it caught my attention. It wasn't 4k+ in money that I picked up, it was 4xxxe006. I'm assuming that is like 4 Mil/Bil (I'm half idiot with math)? I sat behind a rock for a bit wondering what to do. There is no way I could drop all of it in 5k chunks. I decided to disconnect and reconnect to see if that solves the issue. Upon my attempt to return to the server, I couldn't join it. I'm assuming I was banned for having that money on my person. Now there is another way this hack is causing issues with clean players. Perhaps we could develop a way to see the amount before we pick it up.