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Everything posted by Sturmbringer

  1. Hi! I've some issues in EliteMode, just wondering if I'm doing sth wrong: The Targeting System for JDAMs ain't working (no display of unit names, no GPS target) Perhaps it has sth to do with vanilla target selection, but it would be really great to lock on targets in EliteMode as well. We only play in this mode and the complete target-system is quite useless without locking. Manually identifying targets in heights above 1200 ft. is really difficult. Anything you could do about that? Cheers! @Nikiforos: Nope, I don't got this problems. Can activate ECM without any freezing. Do you use the latest version?
  2. Hi Firewill, thanks for your reply! The snakey things are tricky! With GBU38 there's a nice way described in the manual bombing tutorial, but the Snake-Eyes are mean to me ;) Have to train more ... With the targeting I meant sth. like this Targeting lock / radar F-16 - but it would eat FPS to much, I fear, and is very hard to script. Would be amazing though. Some real F-16 feeling in Arma :D I'm frustrated that I'm not a scripter at all, would really like to help you with this, but my fingers are all thumbs in this ;/ Thanks again! Cheers!
  3. Thanks Firewill, for this great Addon. I really love it! Best plane so far! 1) is there any chance to get rid of the white circles/crosses in the HUD? Think they are vanilla, but I'd like to turn them off if possible? 2) Any pilot out there, knowing how to use the Snake-Eyes correctly (effectively)? I can't fugure out how to use them 3) I'd like to lock on targets continuously, even when changing weapons - any chance to do so, or is it a vanilla thing? 4) I think it would be nice if one could switch on the MFD (targeting) always, like the miniGPSmap and it would be fantastic, if there would be some target-informations on it (unit, range, status etc.) and perhaps some sort of rocket-cam I am really a noob scripter and don't know if all this is really hard to script, so sorry for my suggestions, just dreaming ;)) Keep on with this mod, it's superb!