I'm having a problem since yesterday and I'm really struggling with it, I think it may be related to http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15298, but I'm unsure about this and there has been no fix working for stable for this problem. (I have been searching since 8 hours now, so this is why I'm posting here, so yes, i did try a few things before deciding to anno you guys with it)
Basically I have custom gear scripts on my mission that run once a player joins the server, or respawns. However they seem to be globally executed, whenever a player spawns EVERYONE has their helmet and vest removed, sometimes the weapon is replaced with the one the player has when spawning...really weird stuff. I'm thinking it might be a problem with the removeVest/removeHeadgear commands, and I was wondering if anyone can reproduce this problem and/or has a solution?
Init line of unit:
null = [this] execVM "gear\custom1.SQF"; this addeventhandler ["respawn","_this execVM 'gear\custom1.SQF'"];"
waitUntil {!isNull player}; //to prevent MP / JIP issues
_unit = _this select 0;
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
_unit removeWeapon "NVGoggles";
_unit addUniform "DELTA_uniform_highlander";
_unit addHeadgear "H_Watchcap_blk";
_unit addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F";
_unit addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
_unit addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
_unit addWeapon "ACC_Beryl_08_des";
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_optic_HWS_G33_tan";
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_acc_ANPEQ15";
_unit addWeapon "itemcTab";
if(true) exitWith{};
The uniform used is from this mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24775
Accesories are FHQ, cTab is from, well, cTab if that is of relevance.
The only additional script running is far_revive, and I tested it without it and it changed nothing.
The problem with this is that reproducing only works with 2 or more players on a dedicated server, if somoene wants to see the problem himself I can setup the server to test.