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Everything posted by Mikeeeyy

  1. private _trans = _obj2 worldToModel [0,0,0]; [ _obj2 worldToModel vectorDir _obj1 vectorDiff _trans, _obj2 worldToModel vectorUp _obj1 vectorDiff _trans ] If position [0,0,0] is in the sea then the relative dir and up that is returned is correct but takes waves into consideration. If you continuously call the BIS fnc attachToRelative function on two objects when [0,0,0] is in the sea you will see the object roll like it's on the sea. I used this function on Arma 2 Chernarus, where [0,0,0] is in the sea.
  2. I got around this by doing this: _trans = _obj2 worldToModel [4658, 10220, 0]; _vDir = vectorDir _obj1; _vUp = vectorUp _obj1; [ [_trans, _obj2 worldToModel [4658 + (_vDir select 0), 10220 + (_vDir select 1), _vDir select 2]] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff, [_trans, _obj2 worldToModel [4658 + (_vUp select 0), 10220 + (_vUp select 1), _vUp select 2]] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff ] I just moved the position to an in-land position and it now works fine.
  3. Is there any chance we could get addMagazineAmmoCargo, magazinesAmmo and magazinesAmmoFull ported to OA? Currently there is no proper way of getting the current ammo in a magazine when that magazine is in a vehicle or backpack. The only way to get the ammo of a magazine on a unit is to use gearSlotData and gearSlotAmmoCount. It would be very useful and would finally allow us to properly and persistently correctly save the magazines of a unit and object. The days of logging out and back in to refill your magazine would be over!