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Everything posted by yobas

  1. Hey my friend its very difficult a Wanzer panzer created to? because I would love to see a third Wanzer from you:D anyway I'm so happy when I can play with consenting so I'd like a more in arma 3 see or play: very cool is this: this is 80% a google translation
  2. Thank you for the change the color :) you are the best.
  3. Yes, the colors would adjust to the corresponding fractions. so there are fewer messes
  4. Hello there I have a questen about the mod "Wander Panzer" can you say me why the color RED Wander Panzer are in the faction BLUFOR and BLUE Wander Panzer are OFFOR? And i have another question about the colors the problem is, i have the scription for the colors. and my problem is, the color Camo grey is not to 100% grey. for example if I select a Wander Panzer and a code write purely in the ini line this setObjectTexture [0, "\WAP\heli_attack_02_body1_grey_camo_co.paa"]; this setObjectTexture [1, "\WAP\apc_wheeled_01_black_co.paa"]; then the shoulders are either white, green, blue or red. ---> Wander Panzer Random you can modify this so that the ... just grey shoulders have ---> Camo Grey color. then I have another question, namely, it is possible the speed of the traveling readjust tanks? I'd very much like the run around the Mechbots only normal (not like it now, speed in fast moving), this may be possible with a script? Sorry for my bad english. i speak only german THIS is 90% a Google translation greeting