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Everything posted by Brotherhood_of_Asgard

  1. Brotherhood_of_Asgard

    Brotherhood of Asgard recruiting! [Tacsim]

    We are still accepting new recruits. We also recently launched our new project, BA TDM. This is also undergoing work to create BA CTF on the same maps! http://www.brotherhood-of-asgard.com/tdm
  2. Brotherhood of Asgard was officially formed on April 23rd 2014, by a group of good friends who want to play ARMA 3 as it's meant to be played. We are a mature group of guys, ranging from ages 18-40 for the most part, many of us with real military experience. Mods: Currently we use mods such as ACRE, Xmedsys, A3MP, Nato SF weapons and more. More information on our mods can be found in the member forums. Joining process: When you first sign up, your application will be handled within 24 hours. Upon joining BA you are placed in our recruit squad where you will be trained in basic fireteam tactics, communications, medical treatment and the like. This is done to make sure each and every one of our members are on the same page, which allows us to be a lot more flexible and efficient. We practice together every wedensday and sunday at 1900GMT, but generally play every day. We will eventually expand to other timezones as well. Requirements: You are 16 or older. (No exceptions) You must own a working microphone. You must be able to attend practices regularly. (Real life takes precedence, of course) You have a decent understanding of English, both written and oral. You will remain professional at all times. We do not dabble in politics, discussion of race, gender or the like either on TeamSpeak or the forums. As a member of Brotherhood of Asgard you represent the community, and you are expected to always be a good ambassador for us. You may NOT be a member of another ARMA clan whilst being a member of Brotherhood of Asgard. If this looks like the community for you, please visit our homepage at www.brotherhood-of-asgard.com for more information or to sign up. Direct Steam contact: [bA] Stuffed
  3. Squad name:Brotherhood of Asgard Timezone/location: EU (We have a few US members too) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Both Contact email: boaarma@gmail.com Website address: www.brotherhood-of-asgard.com Short description: Tacsim clan, we are all good friends who enjoy playing ARMA on a serious note. Language: English
  4. Great mod, we use this a lot for our missions/practices!