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About F3r4_N3n3m

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    Private First Class
  1. F3r4_N3n3m

    Surround sound problems, DEVs take notice

    Are there any doubts about that? More than a year later and the games has the same problems. I am using a Razer Tiamate 7.1 and it is impossible to play. I hear people walking and recharging from miles away as if they were next to me. I often hear a helicopter flying over me but then I look and there is nothing in the air at visible sight. Then I have to switch to stereo to be able to do some sort of positioning. It is better in stereo. But also filled with bugs. The game cuts off the sound between left and right completly with no transition. If there is a heli flying and you move your head so your left year or your right ear stays in direct line to the sound source, then the game cuts off the sound at once from the side facing backwards. While Arma 3 has the worst sound experience that i have ever seen - unacceptable even for a beta, which is not the case... I had one of the most amazing sound experiences when I first tried my Razer Tiamate 7.1 on BF4. You can recognize the position and source from every sound. It was much better than any 2.1 Headset that I had before. Very clear and with an incredible immersion feeling.
  2. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Actually 4k is 4x times the resolution in 1080p :p
  3. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Nope.... I am using the settings profile "very high" and not changing anything else (even the rendering distance is with the preset of 2.800m). And I am 100% sure that the results before and after are without Vsync. During all the configuration tests I have made, of course I have tried vsync ond and off.... but it didn't help. And I feel some mouse lag in ANY game when vsync is on - just my sentiment about it. And I do agree... it makes no sense at all! I would be willing to provide some info to the guys from BI, maybe run some benchmarks and give them my detailed specs... but I don't think there will be any interest on their side.
  4. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I AM FINALLY GETTING BETTER PERFORMANCE! You guys might remember me posting here that my Performance was really bad in Arma 3. Even though my System is pretty good I was having a horrible experience with fps between 20-40fps in single Player mode. And guess what did the trick for me.... I BOUGHT A 4K MONITOR! This doesn't make much sense for me. It shows that the game has serious issues, sure! I didn't Change anything else. And if I connect my old Monitor again I get the shitty Performance once more. 1080p: 20-40fps in SP 4k: 60-80fps in SP (and it Looks amazing) Unfortunately the Performance in Multiplayer is still very bad. I Play with like 20-30fps all the time. But at least the issues in MP are admited and I guess somone is working on it. Even it is just an intern. The utilization from the GPU is much better now with 60% and the CPU is now working on 70%. A great improvement from the previous 5-15% GPU utilization that I had. That is it! I am finally moving further with the SP campaign now. The game is finally acceptable to Play with and it is fun. With anything less than 40fps it is not enjoyable for me at all.
  5. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    The Topic is about LOW CPU AND GPU UTILIZATION. So let's talk about that. I get GPU utilization of 20% on Ultra and of 5% on Standard/High. Actually the graphic Card goes into idle when I use Standard/High because it believes it is not being used. The CPU utilization never goes more than 60% in any mode or time. It is however very unstable in all cores all the time. This Kind of behavior I have only in Arma. WHAT CAN I DO TO INCREASE CPU AND GPU UTILIZATION? Not talking about fps.
  6. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It is a bit arrogant to say that the players are responsible for the poor performance of the game. I think BI needs to start developing hardware that copes with their software then. Because the best hardware available to consumers isn't close to being enough. And one more time... Fighting with the community simply doens't help. I'd like to see some appreciation for the engagement that the community shows here, even when that means bringing problems to evidence. Being mad does not help solve problems and it draws customers away. :j:
  7. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hi guys.... There is no Need to fight about this. Bottom line is... the game does not deliver the Performance that Players want. You may justify that by saying that Arma is a different game, more complex... bla bla bla. The fact is... People want a game they can Play. I invested a huge amount of Money on my PC and I feel really stupid when I Play Arma. And even if I give out more 1.000, 2.000 euros I know the game is gonna run just as bad. Yes, I imagine multithreading should be complex as hell... But the Software optimization seems to be very poor on Arma. The fact that a much "simpler" game as BF4 is able to use more of my RAM, more of my VRAM, more of my GPU and more of my CPU... that says everything to me. They have a simpler Software that makes better use of my Hardware. Therefore they deliver 175% more fps. At the same time arma runs a ridiculus 20% GPU utilization. And the CPU utilization is jumping up and down on all cores, going as low as 20% a lot of times. If the game is so CPU oriented it should at least use all the power I have available. There is no bottleneck, because everything is under optimized. And fighting with customers ain't gonna help at all. We are a community that loves games and we are very passionate about the idea of Arma. So we would like to hear what BI is doing to solve their Problems. How they are going to make our experience better in the game. We want to know that we are taken seriously and that they are working on optimizing this game. Not jus cashing in on the suckers that buy this crap. Show us some respect... that is all we want. The community is here making tests and wasting time in order to help you guys. I wouldn't have spent so much time searching for ways to improve my Performance and sharing my experience if I wasn't commited to make this a better game. To summarize all my nonsense talking... please don't give us this bs talk about enjoyable gameplay arround 30fps. Don't give me the excuse that it is because of the amount of AI opponents that the game is crapy. Other games also have these Situations, but they drop from 150 to 100 fps in such cases. That is the same expectation I have for Arma as a gamer. Otherwise you guys should be developing Software for consoles that are played by Kids and Soccer moms! They don't dive a shit about Performance and they dind't spend this amount of cash on their console.
  8. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I got 49fps average. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: CPU: i5-4670k@4.5GHz GPU: 2x HD7990@1100MHz/1575MHz/1.2V (TDP@300W, clock is stable and constant on all 4 cores) PSU: Corsair AX1200i MOBO: MSI Z87-GD65 RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2x 8GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 HD: SSD Samsung 840 Evo 250GB (Steam) + 120GB (Windows) COOLING: Water cooled with a great deal of cooling power - GPU@50°C max and CPU@60°C max OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit CATALYST: 14.3 Beta SETTINGS IN GAME: VISIBILITY: 3800/3200/100 QUALITY SETTING: VERY HIGH for everything else FPS BENCHMARK: 49 average ---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ---------- As comparison from Benchmark I am running 3DMark Vantage: P43709, Graphics 59171, CPU 24501.
  9. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hi guys.... I am going to post a few new observations I made during latest testing. Although I am getting satisfying Performance on BF4, it still works with a low GPU and CPU utilization. I have been trying to optimize this but couldn't find a real working fix. Parallel to that I have been trying to make Arma 3 run with reasonable Performance, which seems to be an impossible Task! I have also tried something that I haven't done in a very Long time, running my CPU and GPU at stock clocks. :) Here are some relative observations. Both games were tested at their original ULTRA Settings and on a not so demanding Single Player mission: - BF4 is not affected by reducing CPU clock from 4.5GHz to 3.4GHz. Arma 3 reduced 10fps by doing the same. - Arma 3 is getting only half the GPU utilization that I have on BF4. And the CPU utilization is the same at ~70%, although on Arma 3 I see more dynamic on the graph; - BF4 uses 40% more GPU Memory than Arma 3; - BF4 uses 25% more RAM than Arma3; - BF4 gets in average 175% better FPS than Arma 3. The comparison is not to be taken so seriously, since These are two different games. It is however peculiar to see that Arma 3 is using less GPU Memory and less RAM. I really didn't expect that. And to say that my BF4 Performance is being limited by the CPU is just a big misconception. The bad scaling from crossfire is due to poor implementation I'd say.
  10. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I am talking about single player... there I am getting 20-50fps on the first campaign missions! And the rendering distances I am using as is. Every quality setting has a different set of rendering distances. Ultra is unplayable, Very High Barely, Standard is ok but also with a lot a crashs and major drops in towns or when there is action. And not just a fast drop... but really entire city parts where fps stays under 20fps. ---------- Post added at 11:46 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ---------- I have searched for any other power saving control in BIOS but couldn't find anything that wasn't already disabled. Same thing goes to windows. My PSU measures power consumption and I am using only about 400-450W when playing Arma 3. When playing BF4 my rig is draining arround 800-870W. So I would say that it is very likely that Arma 3 has a problem with my hardware. ---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 ---------- Hey, easy there... I am just reporting my problem to see if anyone can help me solve it. I am also very displeased that I am getting such bad performance with my system. But I have seen more people here complaining of the same as in any other game out there. So there is the possibility that the game is poorly optmized.
  11. F3r4_N3n3m

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hey guys, Just Forget this idea about getting new Hardware because of this game. Invest your time and Money searching and supporting other game developments that are actually interested in delivering a decent experience to users. Check my System... I still have Major Performance issues, getting fps lower than 20fps all the time. The game just ain't done for playing... :/ SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: CPU: i5-4670k@4.5GHz GPU: 2x HD7990@1100MHz/1575MHz/1.2V (TDP@300W, clock is stable and constant on all 4 cores) PSU: Corsair AX1200i MOBO: MSI Z87-GD65 RAM: Corsair Vengeance 2x 8GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 HD: SSD Samsung 840 Evo 250GB (Steam) + 120GB (Windows) COOLING: Water cooled with a great deal of cooling power - GPU@50°C max and CPU@60°C max OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit CATALYST: 14.1 Beta, 14.3/ 14.3 Beta and 14.4/ 14.4 Beta