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About DutchVidya

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. So, I don't know if it's mmy rig or what, but AiA terrains look like shit past a couple hundred meters. http://puu.sh/fNPhv/71d00d0021.jpg (345 kB) This is on a 5000 meter view distance, terrain set to very high. What the hell? EDIT: I'm an idiot, forgot I can't just use a scripted view distance because the video setting one configures object pop in distance.
  2. DutchVidya

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I was just wondering if there's a way to prevent AGM clashing with RHS and it's Fire Control Systems. Would simply removing the AGM Fire Control PBO be enough? I ask as my community want to remove some elements of AGM for our own purposes and it seems even with the AGM FCS PBO gone the RHS ones don't work. Very odd.
  3. Any particular reason I can't find the MP5s on PWS?
  4. DutchVidya

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I thought that might be the case. We're trying to avoid as much as possible hosting our own mods or sets for people to add to PWS collections. We use a repository and that means we can update and edit things if we need be, and reflect those changes on clients. I guess we'll probably be dropping AGM going forward. Not a slight against the mod itself, it's a brilliant mod. We just feel it's a little cluttered for our use. We still use BWA3, as that's a very focused unit modification, but honestly, beyond AGM's medical and ballistic changes, we're not really looking for anything else. I guess we'll need to see how ACE does things when it comes along, we might even return to AGM in the future.
  5. DutchVidya

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Ok, so our group played with AGM for a while, and we found some of it really good. We like the Medical system and Ballistic changes. Thing is, we don't like the Explosives or Goggles effect. I know if I remove these pbos on my own client, I no longer get these parts of the mod, however, is there a way to do this wholesale for everyone on the server? Does removing these pbos on the server side mean these effects no longer affect clients? It didn't seem to be the case with AGM_Goggles. I'm curious because if there is no way to do this without making our players remove the pbos themselves, then we really have to drop AGM.
  6. So, I'm still lost here. @mcc_sandbox_a3 is on our server, it's installed on our clients too because people were getting disconnected without it. Now I want to make a mission where I have MCC access and no one else. I don't know where the hell I do that, inside of the modfolder and inside the PBO, I see files that call to mcc access, but how do I edit this for specific missions? I see there's an init.sqf and and init_mission.sqf inside the PBO, but what about my own mission folder? I really like what MCC is capable of, but at the moment there's very little in the way of documentation or explanation for how to make this work in certain ways.
  7. Actually, as well as my previous question, if I wanted to run an MCC mission on our server, MCC is installed server side, does it need to be installed on all of the clients too?
  8. Now that I've been playing with this for a few hours, how would I go about setting only say, the Admin as able to see and log in to MCC? I see there's an MCC Module, but there's nothing else, no input for player IDs or anything.
  9. I don't know what I expected from MCC. I'm so used to traditional mission making I didn't even consider it. However I just sat down to remake a classic A2 mission in A3, and it took all of three minutes to get the tricky stuff done. All of that messing with DAC calls? No more, and I believe GAIA does it better. Triggers, tasks, briefings. All I had to do was export a mission SQM and reload it in the editor. I suppose there are problems I haven't found, and I still need to tie it into a framework, but Jesus Christ, that was brilliant. As soon as I spawned a Heavy Garrison on Takistan, and the buildings filled up? My breath went away.
  10. DutchVidya

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    As someone whose not worked with ACRE in A2, can someone explain the ID of radios to me? Does it affect their use on loadouts? What am I spawning on a units INIT line to ensure everything works? If I just link a single "ACRE_PRC343" does it get assigned an ID or something?
  11. A mission my group runs involved the sneaky use of explosives, be it on cops or civilians. However, all of the players on the Civ side, as the same faction, see the red triangle that screams "Explosive here!". Is there a method by which I can disable that? If it's a difficulty setting that'd be easiest, as this is a TvT only, and difficulty shouldn't really play into it, however I hope there's another method by which this can be achieved.
  12. Hey guys, posting from work. One of our other mission makers tested both of these, he reports that now there are no addactions on the menu, and he gets a script error telling him there is a missing ";". This feels like it should be easier. Maybe I did something wrong on my end.
  13. Thanks Banga, I'll give it a shot after work later. For the record, what is it here I need to change if anything? Given that I have 6 units, all of them named man1 through to man6?
  14. Ok, tested. No Sound, the addAction is there, it remains after it's selected, but I get no sound. I'm testing this in the Editor if that makes any difference, still no audio, and no script errors either.
  15. This framework is great. I was sort of stuck using a mix of Broma and the F3 frameworks before, but they never include enough documentation to explain how or why things happen. The only thing is, obviously this is a Coop framework, so I need to either find part of it useful for TvTs (I found one of your example missions included a method of randomising the day and weather, perfect!). I guess the only thing this doesn't cover is Paramaterson the lobby screen and a Spec script, but I have already confirmed the Modified Kegety's Spectator works well with this. All I really need now is a way to block third person and I can finally make missions without worrying about things breaking. I already use my own predefined loadouts, and weather isn't a real issue because I usually have an idea of a specific time or weather setting when I make a mission. I get these issues aren't really things you set out to cover with this Zen, my issues above are just aspects of mission making I'm used to , I'm just whining about my own problems. You've got something here that is just absolutely wonderful. Everytime I see clean, well laid out and commented code on anything it makes me happy.