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About Falconeye

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    Private First Class
  1. Answering to myself, mods VTS_gesture and weapons_resting were interfering with DUWS. Changing key shortcuts for these mods resolved the problem. Now everything is working fine.
  2. Hi, I am using DUWS to play solo campaign http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21816 Playing with this scenario enables you to spend just little time since you can save your game as you want. It is also generating a quick campaign with easy configurable parameters. It’s a good training and since I have not enough time to play in multiplayer, I found this mission very useful. If you didn’t know it, just try it, you will not regret your time ! You can also subscribe on Steam to this mission. Everything is fine, you can command your squad and also others squad in high command mode. The only thing I miss is that weapons, uniforms and objects are too light (you just have the MX rifles and some others). What I would like to do is to use DUWS with all weapons, uniforms and objects available in other mods. I have a compilation of a lot of mods called CPC-Arma (used by a French Arma community) and it includes all weapons but unfortunately, it seems it is also including some other mods that are interfering with DUWS especially when you want to command your squad or switch to other squad in high command mode. For example, ctrl+tab in not working to switch to high command mode when I am using CPC arma mods. Do you have any idea on how to use more weapons, objects, uniforms, vehicules,…. With DUWS ? May be using ArmaSync could help to add some mods including all these items… Thank you very much for your help ! PS : I posted in another sub forum if an admin can delete my previous post, thanks.
  3. Hi, I am using DUWS to play solo campaign http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21816 Playing with this scenario enables you to spend just little time since you can save your game as you want. It is also generating a quick campaign with easy configurable parameters. It’s a good training and since I have not enough time to play in multiplayer, I found this mission very useful. If you didn’t know it, just try it, you will not regret your time ! You can also subscribe on Steam to this mission. Everything is fine, you can command your squad and also others squad in high command mode. The only thing I miss is that weapons, uniforms and objects are too light (you just have the MX rifles and some others). What I would like to do is to use DUWS with all weapons, uniforms and objects available in other mods. I have a compilation of a lot of mods called CPC-Arma (used by a French Arma community) and it includes all weapons but unfortunately, it seems it is also including some other mods that are interfering with DUWS especially when you want to command your squad or switch to other squad in high command mode. For example, ctrl+tab in not working to switch to high command mode when I am using CPC arma mods. Do you have any idea on how to use more weapons, objects, uniforms, vehicules,…. With DUWS ? May be using ArmaSync could help to add some mods including all these items… Thank you very much for your help !
  4. Falconeye

    SweetFX on windows 8.1

    Hi, It seems Sweet FX can improve graphics with Arma 3, however, I didn't manage to make it working on Windows 8.1. I even try to use the link provided in this post : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151617-SweetFX-in-Arma-3/page12 but unfortunately, I also doesn't work. Does someone have a solution for Arma 3 working with Windows 8.1 ? Thanks.
  5. You are right, I decided to configure Arma by myself and I won some FPS more ;-)
  6. Hi, I am trying to confiugure Arma with Nvidia Geforce Experience, it was working first time I launched it but now, I have the message (on Geforce experience) "Unable to retreive all settings..." Do you know how I can do to make GE being able to apply settings on arma 3 automaticaly ? Thanks
  7. Yes, I have the Warthog and it is fantastic, the best HOTAS I have ever had. I am using it for Falcon BMS and also for Xplane 10 and it is very accurate. I had the chance to find it at 199 Euros in France 2 years ago (it seems it was a mistake from the shop). Sometimes, you can find it at a little more than 200 Euros on Amazon for example when it is on sale. You will not regret your choice, it is very durable and axis have no constraint (optic sensors) like the Cougar Hotas. Target software is very easy to use and very customizable. About my hardware, I don't received yet my G13 (may be on friday). I am ow thinking about mouse and I am thinking more about the Logitech 700s than G502 because it has more buttons and is very ergonomic. Do you have some feedbacks about the G700s ? I read the battery is just lasting 2 days and it can be annoying. Second point, since it is wireless will we have input lag ? However I am just coming to FPS on PC with old reflex so not comparaison with hardcore gamers. What are your point of view about this mouse and its autonomy ? Thanks again and hope to see you soon on the Battelfield (if I can find a newbie company :) )
  8. Hi, So I decided to go with the G13and I bouhgt also Arma 3 today. I just tried the Tartarus (Orbweaver's litte brother) but joystick button was too small. Hope I will not be disappointed bu the G13 and I hope I will find an easy way to configure all my devices : TrackIR, G13, rudder, Keyboard and mouse. It just remains my keyboard and mouse to change. I am thinking about the Logitech G510s and a G502 mouse. I was thinking about the G700s but the battery life is too short. Thanks again for your help.
  9. Is it true with the G13 joystick we can only move in just 4 directions with the joystick and not 8 directions like with a classical analogic stick ?
  10. With pleasure, as soon as I will purchase it and configure it I will write some words about it, unless I will choose the Orbweavera the end :) :) :) But I feel confident since having all hardware logitech will also be easier (keyboard G105, mouse G502 and G13)
  11. I was ready for the orbweaver but I read a lot (especially) on Amazon about glue going out on the palm rest and some quality issues about it. On the other hand, some G13 users are using it since 4 years without issue. I just hope the G13 will be erginomic and the joystick will be fine for movement. I will let you know.
  12. Thanks harzach, I will add you as soon as I will purchase arma (next week end) See you soon ;-)
  13. Thanks Harzach for your feedback and since you tried all 3 gamepad, I think I will go for the Orbweaver since the nostromo is not yet available. May be I will ask for your profile if you agree. Last question about the joystick for Orbweaver, is it accurate and precise and is it not too small like some people said. I have some doubts about this joy like the space bar. Since I only love simulations, I think I will just play with Arma until new simulations will come. ;-)
  14. Here is a comparaison between the G13 and the Orbweaver. It seems G13 can have up to 8 keymaps. I didn't think about modifying speed by keys, it is very annoying. Analog stick would help very much in this case. What is making me afraid about the G13 is its ergonomy, I don't know if it is producing a lot of pressure on carpal tunnelon the wrist and the second thing is tha tI don't know if joystick can be controlled easily since ba just have the side of the thumb on it and not the entire bottom of the thumb like with the Orbweaver, however, the Orb joystick is not analog. We need some feedback from other people using the G13 and Orbweaver to compare them with Arma.