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Everything posted by doublexz

  1. Hello, I am being kicked every game because of this stupid bug, is there anyway to prevent this, It does not allow me to play the game I purchased. I have the Arma 3 Deluxe Edition, and I have verizon fios router.
  2. doublexz

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    Hello, would it be possible for you guys to upload the edited mission file and for us players that would like to save during the last mission to download and replace our original files??
  3. doublexz

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    Hello, I am very interested in the sandbox play style of arma 3, so there for I am looking forward for an save option for the "game over" mission, is there like a mod that can enable save on "game over" mission?