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About ocgamer21

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  1. Hey right after beyond recognition ends to close phase 2 and allow me to go to phase 3 "win" I board the helicopter it says "to be continued..." then nothing happens did the "win" part of my campaign not download properly? How long do you wait currently my game is going on 30 minutes without loading the next mission. I have a black screen but the game hasnt crashed according to win 7 task manager. I have the steam version and really dont want to uninstall and reinstall the whole game is there a crack or code to activate the "win" part of the campaign tree I cannot play beyond recognition for the 15th time again just to trouble shoot (wish bohemia would unlock the save button). Help:(
  2. ocgamer21

    Suggestion For Future Campaigns

    I would like to see Bohemia make campaigns without locking the save game. Im a noob and replaying a very very long mission 15 times just to go on is quite anoying. UNLOCK THE SAVE BUTTON! thats my suggestion.
  3. ocgamer21

    [SPOILERS] "Win" beginning

    My game crashes at the end of the beyond recognition phase 2 when I board the helicopter it says "to be continued...." then nothing the game doesnt crash but doesnt seem to do anything else. My phase 3 "win" is locked, ive given up trying to solve the problem as Bohemia thinks we are all children by locking the save game and I dont want to replay beyond recognition again for the 15th time trying to fix this bug or at least scout it. Can anyone tell me what happens to the game after "to be continued..." is displayed?
  4. I have the same problem after completing beyond recognition and talking to the helicopter pilot the game phases out and says "too be continued...." then it does nothing doesnt load the next phases of the campaign "win" which for me is grayed out. My only option is to replay the helicopter meeting again which of course is boring after 10 trys I wish Bohemia would unlock the save so I wouldnt have to waste time redoing the entire mission every single time. Comeon Bohemia let your customers deside when they want to make a save and unlock the campaign mission tree so we can avoid bugs. Nothing is more frustrating then having to replay a very long mission all because you died. Im in the double digits for replays on certain missions because im a noob. By the way I have the steam version and latest updates. How do I unlock the campaign mission tree to get around these bugs?