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Everything posted by Enders1

  1. Is the ability to attach Taru pods going to be added later on, or is it already there?
  2. Enders1

    NATO Strider

    I would really like a Nato Gorgon. I tried to figure it out but just couldn't.
  3. Enders1

    PG Services (PMC)

    Awesome. Thanks Bad. Keep up the great work.
  4. Enders1

    PG Services (PMC)

    @BadHabitz. Where would I find the config for the uniforms maybe I could try it myself and let you know how it goes.
  5. Enders1

    PG Services (PMC)

    My clan moslty uses PG servies to gear up for our missions. We were also planning on using our custom insignias in game. I noticed that the patches that appear on the left shoulder dont work in the combat uniforms. Is there a way to get that to work?
  6. Enders1

    [WIP] ArmA 2 Stryker Port

    That was the exact picture I was going to try to post. :)
  7. Enders1

    [WIP] ArmA 2 Stryker Port

    I really like your project. Strykers are probably one of my favorite personelle carriers. When I was deployed to Afghanistan the Strykers had an extra armored section on the top and they would mount a M240 or M249 on the rear hatch. I'm unable to post a picture with it as this is my first post. I can't wait to use these in game. Im also looking forward to your Sea King.