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Everything posted by DGrab

  1. Sweet! Works great now, thanks for all your help. Most guns are working great but just a few have zero recoil, I assume that's normal?
  2. Alright, I verified the files and downloaded 10gigs worth of stuff. Now when I run it, it works perfectly, however I have no gun sounds for the AiA weapons, vanilla weapons sound fine. rpt; http://www.mediafire.com/view/1t7ogsol9hgf0kh/arma3_2014-07-26_17-28-15.rpt
  3. How is this one?: http://www.mediafire.com/view/83ie7ua713avx3h/arma3_2014-07-26_12-50-53.rpt I deleted every other rpt and this was the only one after I ran Arma with the modline: "-mod=_CUSTOM_MODS;@CBA_A3;@AllInArmaStandalone" and AiA + CBA_A3 installed properly.
  4. I installed the @AllInArma and @CBA_A3 mods in my arma, but when I launch the game on steam it won't work. However, if I run as administrator it works, but it's like a Arma 1 title screen? I dunno, basically I would like the Arma 3 menu, UI editor, etc, but with the all the weapons and vehicles and stuff. The editor I have is impossible to use(it makes zero sense it's looks very outdated), I can't launch any single player missions(missing altis/stratis?). Any help? rpt; http://www.mediafire.com/view/qcxyzh8h1ajp88x/arma3_2014-07-25_21-36-39.rpt
  5. Alright thanks anyways. One last thing though, I want to try these solutions, But I'm not sure how to 'set access' or find the core config, and for the second one I don't know how to access the weapons_f file, any help?
  6. Here's the latest rpt: http://www.mediafire.com/view/cd5tqa5z4oa8d88/arma3_2014-04-16_13-16-00.rpt
  7. *Read third edit; Oh, I'm not using a modline. I just placed the 'addons' into my Arma 3>Addons folder and it works fine. Nothing is crashing and I can spawn in vehicles and weapons and do everything it's just that the guns don't have recoil. I did that with the standalone, booted it, and it worked fine. Then put the 'patch 1' files into the addons folder(replacing the files) and it still works, but guns still firing incorrectly. Must I use a modline with AiA and the patch? edit; Ok I tried doing the modline thing (-mod=@AllInArmaStandalone) and it seems to detect addons but they're not working in-game. I also found the Rpt file, how should I upload this? It's too much to copy and paste in the thread, I think. edit,edit; Ok here are the 2 rpt files I have: https://www.mediafire.com/?3964ipdwmzqb4mh https://www.mediafire.com/?3964ipdwmzqb4mh EDIT;EDIT;EDIT; Ok so I've been messing it up before, that's why it wasn't working. But I put the @Cba and @AllInArmaStandalone(with patch) into my Arma 3 folder(NOT in addons). I launch it with this: -mod=_CUSTOM_MODS;@CBA_A3;@AllInArmaStandalone Here's the rpt file: http://www.mediafire.com/view/evq35t46r3q1u6v/arma3_2014-04-15_19-04-59.rpt Currently the recoil is still not working correctly =(
  8. I have no other mods running, just AiA standalone + the 1st patch. And sorry, but what's a modline and rpt?
  9. Why do the weapons have zero kick? I installed the standalone, then applied the patch, but the guns have zero recoil. Any fix?