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About Catalyst317

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  1. Catalyst317

    Altis Life

    I'm sorry, I did not realize there was an Altis forum.
  2. That's it, I forgot to save the mission first. I can't believe I overlooked that. Thank you so much!!
  3. No, I loaded an edit I made and never entered anything in. I even double checked it and the init is blank. When I place a hunter and test it in the preview, the gates still fall over and the hunter keeps going. This is what my sqf looks like that I loaded in. _vehicle_4 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_BarGate_F", [15732.831, 17464.098, 3.8146973e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_4 = _this; _this setDir -69.13829; _this setPos [15732.831, 17464.098, 3.8146973e-005]; };
  4. Catalyst317

    Altis Life

    I am trying to figure out how to add a global channel in Altis Life that everyone can use, but I can not figure it out. I am new to scripting and trying to add things to our community's Altis Server to give our sole dev a break and take some of the stress off of him. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. I tried adding both of those to the init of the bar gate, but when I go to preview, they are still taking damage and falling over.
  6. I am making some addons for a server I admin on with the 3d editor and do not know how to make objects like a bar gate indestructible. Do I do this in the sqf file or can i put a code in the init section of the object? I tried: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; in the init box, but when I go into the preview, it is not indestructible.
  7. Thanks, I will give it a try. Also, thanks for letting me know the best section to address my question. I thought here would be the best, but I'll try there instead. Thanks again! EDIT: I tried putting that into the init box, but when I go into preview, it's still not indestructible.
  8. Catalyst317

    Global VON

    I have been trying, for a few days, on how to enable the global chat on Altis Life for our server, but since I am new to scripting, I can not seem to find it. Can anyone explain how to enable it so everyone on the server can use it?
  9. I am making some addons for a server I admin on with the 3d editor and do not know how to make objects like a bar gate indestructible. Do I do this in the sqf file or can i put a code in the init section of the object?