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=sAs= Bellets

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About =sAs= Bellets

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  1. It works perfectly! Thank you very much, i owe you!
  2. Thank you man, i'll try it and then let you know. For this, that's my bad i copied wrong the code. Intead of "enemy_miss1" there schould be "allUnits", like below enemy_miss1 = []; { if (group _x == group a1 or group _x == group a2 or group _x == group a3 or group _x == group a4 or group _x == group a5 or group _x == group a6 or group _x == group a7 or group _x == group a8 or group _x == group a9) then {enemy_miss1 pushback _x} foreach allUnits;
  3. Hello guys. I made a script that simply activates the simulation to certain units and makes them visible to players (in editor are all set with simulation disabled and models hided). This script works good in sigleplayer and in local hosted server but when i try it on our clan dedicated server it does work only sometimes. Another problem is that in multiplayer it runs multiple times istead that only once. The script is run by a trigger Radio Alpha. Hope you guys can help me with this. This are the scripts i made: initServer.sqf miss1 = 0; publicVariable "miss1"; miss2 = 0; publicVariable "miss2"; miss3 = 0; publicVariable "miss3"; miss4 = 0; publicVariable "miss4"; miss5 = 0; publicVariable "miss5"; miss6 = 0; publicVariable "miss6"; miss7 = 0; publicVariable "miss7"; miss8 = 0; publicVariable "miss8"; miss9 = 0; publicVariable "miss9"; miss10 = 0; publicVariable "miss10"; miss11 = 0; publicVariable "miss11"; miss12 = 0; publicVariable "miss12"; miss13 = 0; publicVariable "miss13"; miss14 = 0; publicVariable "miss14"; miss15 = 0; publicVariable "miss15"; subMiss1 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss1"; subMiss2 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss2"; subMiss3 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss3"; subMiss4 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss4"; subMiss5 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss5"; subMiss6 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss6"; subMiss7 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss7"; subMiss8 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss8"; subMiss9 = 0; publicVariable "subMiss9"; randomMis.sqf private ["_cassa", "_info", "_ufficiale", "_clear", "_ostaggi","_randomMiss"]; private ["_cassa1", "_cassa2", "_cassa3"]; _randomElement = selectRandom ["_cassa","_info", "_ufficiale", "_ostaggi", "_clear"]; switch (_randomElement) do { case "_cassa": {_randomMiss = selectRandom ["_cassa1","_cassa2","_cassa3"];}; case "_info": {_randomMiss = selectRandom ["_info1","_info2","_info3"];}; case "_ufficiale": {_randomMiss = selectRandom ["_ufficiale1","_ufficiale2","_ufficiale3"];}; case "_ostaggi": {_randomMiss = selectRandom ["_ostaggi1,""_ostaggi2","_ostaggi3"];}; case "_clear": {_randomMiss = selectRandom ["_clear1","_clear2","_clear3"];}; }; switch (_randomMiss) do { case "_cassa1": {switch (miss1) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione1.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_cassa2": {switch (miss2) do{ case 0: {_script = execVM "script\missione2.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_cassa3": {switch (miss3) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione3.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_info1": {switch (miss4) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione4.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_info2": {switch (miss5) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione5.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_info3": {switch (miss6) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione6.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ufficiale1": {switch (miss7) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione7.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ufficiale2": {switch (miss8) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione8.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ufficiale3": {switch (miss9) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione9.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ostaggi1": {switch (miss10) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione10.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ostaggi2": {switch (miss11) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione11.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_ostaggi3": {switch (miss12) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione12.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_clear1": {switch (miss13) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione13.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_clear2": {switch (miss14) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione14.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; case "_clear3": {switch (miss15) do{ case 0 : {_script = execVM "script\missione15.sqf"}; case 1 : {execVM "script\randomMis.sqf"};};}; }; missione1.sqf enemy_miss1 = []; { if (group _x == group a1 or group _x == group a2 or group _x == group a3 or group _x == group a4 or group _x == group a5 or group _x == group a6 or group _x == group a7 or group _x == group a8 or group _x == group a9) then {enemy_miss1 pushback _x} foreach allUnits; { _x hideObjectGlobal false; _x allowDamage true; _x enableSimulationGlobal true; } forEach enemy_miss1; _randomElement = selectRandom [cassa_a1,cassa_a2,cassa_a3,cassa_a4,cassa_a5]; _randomElement hideObjectGlobal false; _randomElement allowDamage true; _randomElement enableSimulationGlobal true; sleep 3; miss1 = 1; publicVariable "miss1"; obj_miss1 = true; publicVariable "obj_miss1";
  4. =sAs= Bellets


    We solved it by using an object with an addAcction that executes the script when needed. Thanks for the awesome job you have done :)
  5. =sAs= Bellets


    Hi, me and my team tried your script on our server, on your mission it worked very well but when we put it in our missions it doesn't seem to start. We tried to execute it with the debug console and it worked but using execVM instead of #include. We tried to use execVM on the initPlayerLocal.sqf and init.sqf but it doesn't start aswell. We aren't able to figure out how to make it work. If you could help us it will be appreciated man. Thank you from the Italian Special Assault Squad Team http://www.specialassaultsquad.it/