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About thomasb3dpro

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  1. thomasb3dpro

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    Thanks for your help and for you reply Yes but actually the animation is like that and I think it will more awkward if I use a binocular preset ? + The fact that if I use binocular preset, when I hide it, it will be invisible, no ? Yes, but the objective is when I aim I need to see what the camera will record in real life, so I must put the view point in the objective (or the canon) no ? Yes, like I said before I'm working on the WIP config.cpp and the dev start from set up the camera to be a launcher. Can't I change the view point to make them no inheritate from the NLAW model ? Why when I change the 'eye' point and the 'look' point there is no modification in game ? Should I replace some class by 'camantv' ? I'm so sorry but like a tell you before, I never do any modding like this so i'm quite a noob PS : Sorry for bad english
  2. thomasb3dpro

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    Actually my cpp file look like this one : But unfortunately, I always have the same point of view when I aim. It's look like another thing is setting the position of eyes ... Is it possible ? Thanks you a lot for your help
  3. thomasb3dpro

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    Oh thanks, because i'm French i did even understand that Bino = binoculars. Sorry for that. Where can I found the binoculars files ? I search into A3/Addons/weapons_f.pbo/binocular/binoculars_proxy.p3d but when i try to open it Oxygen 2 stop working. I don't find the config.cpp too. But I have a question : If I take the model cfg and config cpp of binocular, this going to have the player having the camera in hand with the same animation of binocular ? It's a little bit akward no ? Like this ? I try this and I still get my view into the physical camera in Arma. Thanks for your assistance btw. PS : Another time, sorry for my bad english
  4. thomasb3dpro

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    Thank you, i try that : First try : I replace the line with : modelOptics = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_empty.p3d"; AND I place another point like this : And sadly I keep having the camera (virtual) into the physical camera Second try : In the wiki CfgWeapons Config Reference it's say : So I re-put the value to "-" and I keep the modification that you tell me to do (create a 'look' point) Sadly, i have the same bug than before. Do you have any other idea for my problem ? Thanks.
  5. thomasb3dpro

    Having trouble with config.cpp

    I'm sorry but I don't understand what is Bino's proxy, i never dev in modding before. Can you explain a little bit more please ?
  6. Hi everyone, I'm trying to deletes some bug from a camera add on that is in WIP. I'm sorry but i'm a beginner in modding editing on Arma 3. __ That's my problem : I have actually a camera mod (object) that replace a rocket launcher for Altis Life. The problem I actually have is that when i aim with right click on First Person, i want to have a clear screen like this : But when i'm aiming i have this : To change this, i create a point in the *.p3d file of the camera who i named "eye" and placed like this Actually, there is my config.cpp file : #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class camantv { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.60; // requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_UI_F", tmr_core}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_UI_F"}; version = 0.1; author[] = {"Taosenai"}; authorUrl = "http://www.ryanschultz.org/tmr/"; }; }; /*class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers { class tmr_disposable { clientInit = "call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers '\tmr_disposable\init.sqf'"; }; }; class Extended_FiredBIS_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { class tmr_disposable { clientFiredBIS = "_this call tmr_disposable_fnc_firedEH"; }; }; };*/ class CfgMagazines { class CA_LauncherMagazine; class NLAW_F; class TMR_DisposableDummy : NLAW_F { scope = 1; displayname = "Empty"; displaynameshort = "Empty"; descriptionshort = "Empty"; count = 0; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Launcher_Base_F; class launch_NLAW_F : Launcher_Base_F { // tmr_disposable = 1; // tmr_disposableUsed = "launch_NLAW_F_used"; }; class launch_NLAW_F_used : launch_NLAW_F { descriptionshort = "Caméra SONY TVB 249"; displayname = "Caméra Presse"; magazines[] = {"TMR_DisposableDummy"}; author = "test"; model="\camantv\camantv.p3d"; modelOptics = "-"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}; opticsZoomMin = 2; opticsZoomMax = 0.3; opticsZoomInit = 2; class OpticsModes { class optic { opticsID = 1; useModelOptics = 1; opticsZoomMin = 2; opticsZoomMax = 0.3; opticsZoomInit = 2; distanceZoomMin = 300; distanceZoomMax = 300; memoryPointCamera = "eye"; opticsFlare = 1; opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1; cameraDir = "look"; visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"}; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"}; }; }; }; }; /* class CfgHints { class TMR { displayName = "TMR Info"; class Disposable { arguments[] = {}; description = "Disposable single-shot launchers such as the PCML cannot be reloaded. You may discard the tube or keep it for its attached optics."; displayName = "Disposable Launchers"; image = "\a3\ui_f\data\gui\cfg\hints\launcher_ca.paa"; model="\camantv\camantv.p3d"; //tip = "tmr_disposable.pbo"; }; }; };*/ Can you please help me finding my mistake please ? In advance thanks PS : I apologize for my english, I'm French
  7. Hello everyone, I play Arma 3 in different mods but I'm still a noob with weapons. I don't know what can I do to be better. When I play the campain, I'm always killed after 5 minutes with a headshot and I doesnt see soldiers. What can I do to improve my skill ? (Sorry for my English, i'm french) Thanks