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Posts posted by blazee

  1. On 3/13/2017 at 2:12 AM, Bag of Purp said:

    I dont know if people posted about these but here ya go.

    Here are a few things I think would make this game more playable and give it more features

    1 Add a zeroing for weapons! Not cool we have to guess where to shoot when all scopes ever made can be adjusted upon the battlefield to ensure a direct hit!

    2 Can't Vault/jump! This game would feel alot better if it had a jumping key/climb fences like the Arma 3 Enhanced Movement mod..I hope this game is not finished without a climbing mechanism as it would give players ability to climb fences/crates/buildings/shacks.

    3 Longer matches! This survival/objective game deserves longer battles as each game literally ends fast..there has to more things to do because its gunna get boring playing over and over because matches end quick!

    4 AFK kicker This is a hugeeee one people just afk and cause your team to lose or cause matches to be very boring.

    5 Teamkiller auto kicker or option to kick! No fair playing a game that gives no consequence to ass hats betraying their own team..please do something about this or remove team killing!

    6 Specific team uniforms or customization This one is annoying because enemy looks exactly like your team..its really hard to figure out who is who especially in hardcore mode. 

    7. Hardcore mode revamp This hardcore mode is so confusing to new players because there is literally no team markers or objective markers on screen so its a mess playing this mode. Also, this mode should have certain strong weapons making it HARDCORE for example only 7.62 weapons or something! 


    8. Add a ranking system! What this game needs is a progress system so we can share/compete with other players to see whos the best on the battlefield..its boring playing for no purpose..give us medals/gear/clothing/emotes maybe some servers could be for High ranked players only (Level 10 players and up only) for example.

    9. Another game without Melee feature?! Once again you guys give us a game that does not have fighting mechanics or melee combat..This would completely make this new game different than other Arma''s..Would be a great feature adding machetes/bats/survival knifes/shovels/axes! We get the whole defend this defend that concept but come on!! Why hasnt Arma 3 released a melee feature yet after so long..


