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Posts posted by Nakroma

  1. @Furret I already did that. My startup line is like this(increased the length it need to happen, but still doesnt prevent it):


    Also that happens EVERYTIME I play Altis. For example when I play a custom mission or just drive around in empty Altis with a car, that happens after 10-20 minutes.

    @Nunu Basto

    Yeah I'll try that and install a 64 bit system (according to this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169012-Sudden-FPS-Drop-after-30-60-Minutes-Issue-Solution)

    But I wanted to try if its something else before. Gonna do that in a week, when I have time. :/

  2. Hey,

    I have this problem.

    Everytime I play, every type of mission (I tried it with just a car and me in editor, Altis Life, a custom mission and King of the Hill), i can play maybe for 10 to 20 minutes, and then suddenly I get an huge FPS drop and suddenly my FPS, who before were at ~25 are now at 2 to 5.

    For me, that screams that something overheats. But it doesn't. I cleaned my PC, checked that all coolers are working and with a third party programm I checked if my CPU or GPU overheats, but no. They are both stable at ~40°C when I get this type of thing. The funny thign is, as soon as I restart ArmA it goes away and I can play again.

    Yes I disabled VSync. My drivers are the newest version. I tried that stuff with -cpuCount -maxvram etc. already, but that just improves the FPS in general, doesn't fix the problem though.

    I should mention that this is Altis only. On Stratis I can play hours.

    Any help with this? It is really annoying, because I basicly can't play anything expect for Stratis stuff... which is basicly not much out there.

    Please :|


  3. Hello,

    I just installed an Arma 3 Server on my Windows Server 2008 R2 via steamcmd (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Instructions_.28Windows_o.2Fs.29)

    Everything was okey etc. until I try to start the arma3server.exe via shortcut, then this pops up:

    The programm can't start because XAPOFX1_5.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the programm to fix this problem.

    Now I'm aware (all mighty google) that this is a DirectX problem, but I have DirectX 11 installed (100% confirmed per dxdiag).

    Anyone know what to do :/?

