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Everything posted by waski35

  1. I had similar issue to AlexRed. What I did to workaround this - instead of restarting mission after updating one of earlier versions, and then "countinue old save" in mission start menu, I clicked "continue" in - in-game menu, and everything worked like charm - vehicles, team, mission progress, tasks was where I left it saving with WLA menu with shift-1. ---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ---------- oh, BTW it was dropbox version of this mission. I prefer dropbox versions, because I have more control over it, and I allways know whcich version I'm playing - steam workshop mission tends to update on a weekly basis, so if there is more update then one in week I end up with old version, even if there is new one published on steam workshop.
  2. Thank You guys, for information how to save properly this mission. I guess it have to be done this way. BTW - Sometimes when I buy vehicle at camps (using MilCenter->Buy option), vehicle spawns just above building, then it falls on it, explodes (tearing the building down). This happens, when I'm inside camp area, close to camp buildings. Only way to workaround this problem, I found is to get away as far as I can from any buildings belonging to camp, and parked vehicles, but still beeing in camp range, and only then use this menu. If I use this workaruond requested vehicle spawns with parachute, and land a few meters away of camp installations, buildings etc. Maybe solution for this, would be checking if spawn area of vehicles requested/bought this way, is above anything else other then ground. If there is some object, push a few meters in some direction spawn location, and check again. It could be done in loop like : while (OverObject) { push_spawn_location_in_m(cur_spawn_loc + 10); } Spawn_here(cur_spawn_loc); Its much simplified code, provided only to document my thoughts. I didn't yet analyzed Your source code, so functions, variables may be different, and also set of conditions etc., but in general maybe this could fix this problem. If game engine gives such possibilities, and its scripting/mod making support. But if it is possible to check if two objects are in the same coordinates, then its possible to check if they will collide if one fall to the ground, etc. Just a couple of thoughts. EDIT : I have found "SupportDrop.sqf" in root mission directory, is it a place where also camps production / vehicle drops are coded ? If so It could be done like in SAOKDFACCREATE in "FactoryCreation.sqf" plus this kind of searching of non colliding position I mentioned above. However each loop of this kind for each building in a camp will slow down mission a bit on weaker computers, if its called frequently in other code. Or maybe faster and better solution wold be for MilCenter->Buy use code from Factory->Buy option, so the vehicle is not dropped, but spawned in non colliding fashion near player position. When I used Factory->buy option in recently build factory inside one of my guardposts vehicle wasnt dropped, but spawned behind, not colliding with anything. In code I believe controlling this behaviour You check if vehicle spawn posiotion doesnt collide with other objects. And this is OK, in My opinion. EDIT2 : I have searched more for code that routes calls to this files (functions). It seems, that "SupportDrop.sqf" function is called from inside "BuyVehicle.sqf", which is called by "Ostamassa.sqf" in case of buying vehicles from camps. Spawn position is a bit diferrently calculated there than in case of buying vehicles from factories. If it is not necessary to split these two calls in code into two ways of buying vehicle, I would think of merging them, for better code mainetance in future. What I mean here is if buying in factories works good, maybe instead of using this code only for factories, use this code for buying and spawning vehicles from local shops, MilCenter etc. And leave SupportDrop.sqf functions only for dropping support from air, as it is in case of requesting vehicle paradrop. This way we have two major call rutes, and easier code maintenace in future (and solution that works in all cases where its used) Of course it is Your decision, I don't want to hijack this thread, all I wanted to share a couple thoughts.
  3. Saok, first of all - You did a great mission, big thanks for it. Also big thanks for Your ongoing effort to improve it. I'm a software developer, and I can see, that You put much of Your attention into this subject. Now, lets get back to the mission inself. I noticed that if I start the SP mission that has already saved progress, after updating it with newer version from dropbox, and exit this mission from load screen, using "Exit and save" option of in-game menu it saves. But when I try to load it again it loads, but I can only see start up animation, however simulation in the backgroud is playing, or it only looks like that, because i can hear and see my team members comms. Only restarting and load old save option fixes this. It could happen also when I loaded save from newer version into older version. I use both versions : version from drop-box and version from steam workshop. The newer one yesterday was from dropbox. Later when I reloaded mission I started with chopper insertion at the place where I saved. I got the starting tasks "Build basecamp" and "Contact with civilinans". Then I saved, using 0-0-1, and quit. Entering mission angain (3rd time) respawned me in place of chopper insertion with Hunter CKM, and all starter task were autocompleted, after a minute mision properly recognized my progress (factories, powerplants, piers captured, state of map, prestige poins etc) were counted again and I had what I had before this situation. I looks like "quit and save" on starting menu caused it. Can You look into it ?