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About Lebowski2

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  1. I think you are right. I actually saw that and have tried playing around with it. However, I dont think I am getting the syntax right. Does anyone know how to adjust that to work with an addaction? Like I said, my scripting skills are very weak. Thanks!
  2. Unfortunately that code did not work in the fn_spawnVehicle.sqf unless I am maybe putting it in the wrong place. However, I think you might be telling me to put that in the vehicles init. I can't do that because the vehicle is being spawned on the fly by the virtual vehicle spawner. Therefore there is no init in the editor to work with. I think I have to do something with BIS_fnc_MP to make the addaction global but that is above my very basic scripting skillset. Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks!
  3. I posted this over at Armaholic also but I thought I might get a quicker response in this thread. My question is this: I am trying to use the VVS script to spawn vehicles with VAS installed on them. I have added the following code to the fn_spawnVehicle.sqf file: _vehicle addAction["<t color=#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf]; This was added directly underneath the following line in the script: _vehicle setDir _direction; //Set the vehicles direction the same as the marker This works fine if I play the game alone. However, when I play with friends, only the person who spawned the vehicle has access to the VAS system. All other players can not see it. Anyone know how to fix this? I want to play it on a dedicated server if that makes a difference. Thanks!