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About e00c

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    Private First Class
  1. e00c

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Ah treehugger, we've just started playing against recently. chernarus, uk6/ 10. Seen you there. The above are very annoying indeed. relogging is the only solution top fixing these at the moment. :edit: since this thread died last year, there must be a newer one somewhere??
  2. Hey chaps, Couple of questions: • How do I stop the other faction from interacting with an item/person? I have a hostage set up as 'p1'. He's a civilian. Everything works perfect for blurfor, who can use their mouse wheel and "release hostage". The hostage then follows them. However, upon testing.. It seems that opfor can also see the "release hostage". How can I stop this? Here is what is in the hostage INIT: this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescue.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"]; this disableAI "MOVE"; this setCaptive true; Blufor simply have: "POWs =[p1] • How do I stop civilians from attacking friendlies due to friendly fire? Various civilians are friendlies with Opfor. They will only attack Blufor. Should accidental fire happen, said civilians take down the shooting Opfor player.
  3. ah great , will keep an eye out! (No like button!)
  4. Working great! Using this in a mission. However, I keep getting "script not found fnc_nextSound".. Now, I know this isn't true as I've checked all instances of this in the files. Correct spelling, correct file location. Any thoughts? Also, not sure if this is related to the above. Every so often, some infected will speak another language (not sure what this is). Is there a way to stop this? Ta Muchio! :edit: Can get these to patrol an area too?
  5. Thanks IT07 - I'll try this. It is indeed just a mission file, no external downloads required. :) How about being a bit more polite? Using the Arma 3 Link: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?112-ARMA-3 Where one would expect to find all details' date=' discussion & topics on or relating to Arma 3. Since, the different mod topics have sub forums in this section too... Surely - It would make sense for the editing sub forum to be here. It's not... [img']http://s29.postimg.org/9df2enj5y/image.jpg[/img]
  6. Sorry, I should have been clearer :-) Versions of wasteland / King of the hill have green square icons above people's heads regardless of being in the same squad or not. It comes in handy when there is lots of people in the same area.
  7. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I couldn't find the "editing" forum? How would one go about adding the friendly icons to units to missions? Similar to the wasteland/king of hill mission. Ta muchio :edit: P.S: I'm competent at extracting/repacking pbo files. I'm just no sure where/what needs changing/adding.
  8. e00c

    Arma2Net / MySQL

    Massive Help! Thanks Savage! :-)
  9. Uhmm I've read countless topics but couldn't find any 'newb proof' threads... Bascially, I want a version of "king Of the Hill" on the server. However, to get it to save. It needs Arma2NET and a MySQL DB. I can't find any clear instructions. I've tried uploading Arma2NET via FTP to the server files... results in errors. Due to the "...explorer.exe" - which, I'm guessing is not needed on a hosted server? If anyone can point me in the direction of decent instructions or can spare a little time to walk me through it, that would be great :-) Ta Muchio!
  10. e00c

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Damn it. I want this version on our server - still no response from them.
  11. Yeh, I saw the bugtracker topic re addons/mods. It just doesn't make sense to me. The .PBO is fine, I know this - I just wondered if I could pack mods inside of these somehow... server key - I did NOT know this. Thanks for the heads up, I'll need to check this out. I made a few alterations to a mission file. opps!
  12. Whilst I'm fairly new to Arma3, started off on DayZ first. I do have some decent understanding of it... however, I'm not sure if I'm just being dumb or.. Shacktac Hud has been added to my server, runs fine. However, if a player doesn't have the CBA addon or Shacktac- they can't use it. But... logically speaking - why don't servers send files to connecting players if they don't have them? I don't know.. err look at Counter Strike for example. Join a server, you don't have the mod.... the server sends you it. Job done, easy. It just seems like a massively odd thing to overlook. Is there a way to repack mods/addon's into the .pbo? At least, this way - everyone playing on the server would have the same tools to play with.
  13. I'm no expert, in fact, I'm a newb :-D But, wouldn't moving shops around mean you'd need to unpack the .pbo - open up in the arma3 editor... fidn the shop, simpy drag it somewhere else? If the above is correct - make sure you copy the unpacked pbo folder to your mpmissions folder. But rename it something like: Altis-life.Altis You should be able to open this up then.