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Everything posted by unacknowledged

  1. unacknowledged

    [HELP]Continous Error

    Can you add me on Steam? I could use quite a bit of help with this and a few other thing's.
  2. Hey BI Forums, I have an issue to do with sound. Should be known I'm not very good at scripting or anything of the sort so please be patient with me! Basically, I'm trying to use the Loudspeaker Playlist which can be found here But.... Upon adding the lines I want in my Description.ext I get this error. This is my Description.ext Music section. NOTE There is no other lines of Sound/Music within my Description.ext so the error is baffling me.
  3. unacknowledged

    [HELP]Continous Error

    Isn't there a way around this though? I would prefer to use the script for the Loudspeaker without having to meddle with that .hpp
  4. unacknowledged

    [HELP]Continous Error

    Well originally, I thought the exact same thing. But upon looking inside the .hpp it doesn't use the same sound types ( I sound like a retard I know, but in this area I am.) I will post the .hpp of that.
  5. unacknowledged

    [HELP]Continous Error

    Here is my entire Description.ext
  6. 128 Views and not a single reply, can tell there is more leechers than helpers. Hello there BI Forum folk! I am not completely knowledgeable with Scripting or mission making but I am in the process of making a mission and I've encountered a minor but irritating issue. Basically, in Description.ext I have it set so the West (BLUFOR) spawns with a AddOn Weapon and magazines BUT I want them to also respawn with a backpack but the code I have tried hasn't worked. I have altered and played around with it for a bit but no joy. I hope one of you can help me, would be much appreciated! Thank you. This is my code!
  7. Hello there BI Community! Yet again I am in need of your assistance! My friend had a mission a while back which was originally DZS (Dynamic Zombie Sandbox) But just as a test one day we decided to go on a little convoy out the map in the dark and low and behold we became under attack by AI Infantry ( US Soldiers ) And when we killed those and made camp on a hill we'd usually be targeted by a flare on the ground and shortly after a drone would unleash hell on us until it ran out of ammo. Not only that but Chinooks also flew in and dropped off troops and gunned us down. I wanna know how the hell this was possible and how it can be done? It's been so long since I played it with him, he no longer has the file and it was edited by somebody else. So can somebody please do a tutorial on this or show me where it is located for download? It was intense fun, we edited the mission parameters to make it dark as possible. I want that fun back! As a side note: The encounters we're random, there was no time limit for them. We could be driving one minute the next under fire or driving for an hour and encountering nothing, it was completely random. Thank you guys :)
  8. Hello there BI Community! I was wondering how one would write out a script to make a specific player enable or disable third person if the mission has third person disabled. It's for use in Aircraft in a mission I'm setting up, I don't want an addaction, just pure script which can be launched from a .sqf and disables the First Person only view and allows both for a specific player. I've tried a few methods but none have succeeded, so I thought here would be my best shot. Thank's guys! -UA
  9. unacknowledged

    [REQ] FPV & TPV, Lock & Unlock

    I already knew this thanks but I do not use ACE for many reasons. But thank you for locating that for me :)
  10. unacknowledged

    Hosting Multiplayer

    Hey BI Community, In a bit of a trouble here. I have the Steam Version of ArmA II CO with all the DLC. Recently out of nowhere every time I tried to host my own game so friends could join, every time I used the "Internet" Option my complete game froze and it lagged my computer tremendously. But this has never happened before, only recently it started and I have made no changes to any game files or such, it has just appeared out of nowhere. I can host LAN just fine but all of a sudden the Internet option decides to just freeze everything. Solutions I've tried: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying the game cache. Checking the load list. Using Notepad++ to view my profile and see if their is any faults with ArmA loading. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None of them seemed to work and found no faults. I don't intend on re-installing the game as that is not necessary so please do not post such a futile solution, i'm just looking for a way around this problem. Thanks guys, -UA
  11. unacknowledged

    Hosting Multiplayer

    I do know of this yes but even after it closed down I used to be able to host still, this is what I tried to explain in the beginning. The fact it only has stopped working a few days ago means it's another cause.
  12. Hey guys, I was just wondering how you stop the camera from zooming out when you get in a vehicle and for it instantly to just be fully zoomed out when you enter a vehicle or when you driving/riding/flying. It's bugging me, I played a EVO mission and it just instantly goes straight out, so how does one do this? Thanks guys! -UA
  13. unacknowledged

    [HELP REQ] Need scripting help.

    I don't know how one would do most of them my knowledge is limited? Could you explain or write some out for me maybe? Apologies for long reply, been quite busy.
  14. Hello there again my fellow Bistudio Community! Bet your sick of seeing me hehe :) Once again I am in need of some assistance to my lack of knowledge in scripting! I need help on quite a few things! First thing i'd like for a specific mission I made, is a script which you can put in the init.sqf or the init of a character which automatically reloads your weapon for you when your rounds reach 0 and you don't have the time to press R because you're behind enemy lines under heavy fire! This isn't for laziness people, I just find it useful! I don't want an infinite ammo script or one where you don't need to reload, just one that automatically reloads for you when your rounds reach 0 :D Secondly, I have no idea if this is possible but for the AddOn "HMS Queen Elizabeth" I would like a rather large UK Flag waving on the top of it, I know how to get it up there on a flag pole etc, but somehow maximizing the size of the flag so it blows in the wind like the old Royal Navy ships would be fantastic. Thirdly, a script which adds a boost option for aircraft that don't have afterburners or to help the ones that aren't powerful enough! Not insanely fast boost, but enough to get it off the runway quickly and get it to a high speed when in the air as my mission is purely Aircraft and involves a lot of old school dog fighting with modern Jets. Fourth, I would like a script or some line of code to put in a trigger to remove rubble/debris from when vehicles blow up or buildings, my ArmA OCD cleanliness always kicks in if rubble/debris gets on my runway and I tend to scream at my Trainees for making a mess. Fifth, I know it's either a script or trigger but either way, to play music when a player joins and just for that player as they join! Sixth, I want enemy aircraft to spawn flying in a designated area (There own airspace) and when there reaches a number of aircraft in that airspace they stop spawning until they are killed and it repeats the process and so forth. Seventh, I've been looking for a few days on adding Paramaters to my mission and not having any success with them actually functioning. I am looking for a time paramater which does every time, a weather parameter which does all weathers, a enviroment paramater which enables me to turn off grass and such if I get somebody in who has a low end computer/laptop. And that clears it guys! I hope some of you can answer some if not all of these for me! I have put the time & effort in to researching them but I don't either have the knowledge to do what they are showing or I simply cannot understand! Thanks, UA
  15. unacknowledged

    [HELP REQ] Triggers & Custom Sounds

    I added more Db to the sound using Audacity, thanks for your assistance! Been most helpful! :) Thanks, UA
  16. Hello there! This would be my second Thread post in to this amazing community & is wondering if you guys could help me out again! Basically, I run quite a large mission for training in AddOn aircraft and there are OPFOR jets that come in to the BLUFOR Airspace, I decided I wanted to use an old British WWII Klaxon Sound every time a OPFOR Jet enters BLUFOR Airspace but defined by trigger. I'm quite good with executing scripts and such but never seem to be able to get the hang of sounds. So long story short, I need somebody to explain in extremely basic terms to me how one would use a trigger to launch a sound file named "Siren" without the ". The file is in .ogg format and I would like the trigger radius to be 2000x2000 Thanks guys! -UA
  17. unacknowledged

    [HELP REQ] Triggers & Custom Sounds

    I do have it working now sort of, not fully tested whether it always comes alive after a new enemy plane enters it but the main problem is now sound, it's not as loud as I would like it to be even though I changed the settings in Description.ext, here is my Description.ext line.
  18. unacknowledged

    [HELP REQ] Triggers & Custom Sounds

    Not quite sure what you mean in terms of explaining it? I have the line in Description.ext already But how would I trigger it so ANY enemy plane that enters the trigger radius will set it off and what do I type in the trigger to activate the sound? Thanks :)
  19. Hey all, This is my very first post and i'm hoping to be a part of the community :) Anyway, to the subject at hand. I am wondering how one would create a Marker that updates it's self every second, so basically a live marker that I want to be attach to a AddOn plane. I seen a thread about that on here but it didn't really answer my question, or i'm too much of a simpleton to understand ;) I want this for a mission i'm making and this AddOn Plane can refuel other Aircraft in mid air as i'm very big on flying. What I have so far, C-17: AI Controlled, Set to flying and has 3 waypoints, 2 that are "MOVE" and 1 for "CYCLE" The plane is named Refuel Marker Name: Marker_Refuel Marker Text: Air-Refuel Hopefully one of you know how to resolve this :D Thanks guys, -UA
  20. unacknowledged

    [Question] Updating Markers

    I downloaded it and tried to extract it but just keep getting errors. So, even then I can't see how it's done properly. But even so, i'd imagine i'm doing everything correctly. It can't be all of my AddOns I use as I've never ever had an issue before, so i'm very curious as to why it isn't working.
  21. unacknowledged

    [Question] Updating Markers

    I don't know what i'm doing wrong then, but I can't get none of the examples you guys have shown to work. I have basic knowledge of what stuff is for like Init.sqf is to call scripts and Description.ext is for Parameters, Repsawns etc. But whatever I try just doesn't seem to work, the only solution I have found to one that does work is: Init.sqf [] spawn { while{not isnull Refuel} do {"Marker_Refuel" setmarkerpos getpos Refuel; sleep 0.5;}; }; Marker.sqs #start "Marker_Refuel" setMarkerPos getPos Refuel ~1 goto "start" But these aren't what I want, personally I want it to be a NATO Flag following and for it to be called in a different way which isn't .sqs.
  22. unacknowledged

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    Vulcan Bomber, HQ model & textures, HQ Sounds with the amazing well known "Vulcan Howl" :)
  23. unacknowledged

    [Question] Updating Markers

    Pastebin wouldn't let me upload due to size so had to upload to mediafire mate. RPT File
  24. unacknowledged

    [Question] Updating Markers

    I just added that launch parameter you gave me and put it on OA in Steam but it didn't show no signs of any errors.
  25. unacknowledged

    [Question] Updating Markers

    Hmm, is still a no go unfortunately sorry. I can't see the problem my self. Here is the code after editing: if (isServer) then { call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\MoveMarker.sqf"; if (isNil "PlaneMarker") then {PlaneMarker = [];}; "PlaneMarker" addPublicVariableEventHandler { createMarker [((_this select 1) select 0), position ((_this select 1) select 1)]; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerType "DOT"; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "PlaneMarker" setMarkerText "Air-Refuelling"; call attach_plane_mkr; }; }; And then: attach_plane_mkr = { [] spawn { while {alive Refuel} do { "PlaneMarker" setmarkerpos getposATL Refuel; sleep 1; }; }; };