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About Sylensis

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hey guys, this just got fixed with today's update! Thanks Bohemia!
  2. Please take a second and vote this up on the feedback-tracker! http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18647
  3. Simply make a new mission in the editor, close arma, open the mission folder and add your textures to the mission folder. Start Arma again, load your mission, assign a name to your SUV (for e.g. "TEST") Then press escape an type the following into the debug-console: TEST setobjecttexture [0,"your_texture.paa"] remember to change "your_texture.paa" to the exact name your texture is named inside the mission folder!
  4. Is there any new progress going on here?
  5. Same problem here, but I don't have a solution atm, sorry.
  6. Okay, I discovered a way how to enable the light on the Offroad with this code: _truck= _this select 0; _truck animate ["HidePolice", 0]; _truck addAction ["<t color=""#001eff"">" + "Strobes On" ,{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 && Alive(_target) && driver _target == _this"]; _truck addAction ["<t color=""#001eff"">" + "Strobes Off" ,{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' > 0.5 && Alive(_target) && driver _target == _this"]; Thanks to cobra4v320 for posting the code here! So, how do I edit this animation now? Where is it located? I didn't find anything, neither in the offroad's config nor in the animation PBO's. Does anybody know where the flashingscript is located?
  7. Sylensis

    Police lightbar on roof?

    Thanks a lot! I searched several days on how to enable this flashing animation. :D Do you know where I can find / modify the blinking animation of the lightbar? like the pattern, colour etc? Arent these some kind of different setObjectTexture-commands on the hiddenselections of the lightbar?
  8. Hey guys, I was wondering how to script the lightbar to animate the lights like in the beginning of this video: There are 2 ways of doing so: 1. placing some lightsources and tweak them so they light up the environment 2. animating the lightbar textures (like the navigation lights on the hummingbird) http://i.imgur.com/GJu4NVK.jpg (171 kB) So my question now is: How do I animate (flashing) the textures as seen on the screenshot and the video with the 2nd method? Thanks a bunch!
  9. Sylensis

    setObejctTexture on SUV

    Thanks a lot guys. It worked. Altough I just entered the setObjectTexture command in the debug console. Objectname setObjectTexture [0,"texture.paa"]
  10. Hello guys, I ran into a problem with the setObejctTexture command in my mission. Currently I am working on a few new vehicle-skins. So I created a test-mission where I use this setObejctTexture [0, "texture.paa"] to set the new texture to see how it looks ingame. It all worked fine while I was testing my new clothing-skins. But as I moved on to the vehicle-skins this command wont work anymore. I placed a SUV with the same command in the Init-field but Arma just wont load the texture I assigned. Instead it just loads one of the different vanilla textures randomly. Is there any way how I can specify the texture Arma loads instead of it ranomly loading a vanilla texture? Thanks a lot!
  11. Sylensis


    Love this mod. Awesome units and vehicles! And that quality.. <3
  12. Thank you very much! Awesome mod. Very good for our shootingrange!